South Korea Scraps Traditional Age System, Now Everyone’s at Least a Year Younger

A free year??

It’s a gift to women.

The Guardian:

South Korea is to scrap its traditional method of counting ages and adopt the international standard – a change that that will knock one or two years off people’s ages on official documents but could take time to seep into daily life.

South Koreans are deemed to be a year old when they are born, and a year is added every 1 January. The unusual – and increasingly unpopular – custom means a baby born on New Year’s Eve becomes two years old as soon as the clock strikes midnight.

The complications do not end there: a separate system exists for calculating the age of men entering national service and the legal age to drink alcohol and smoke. In those cases, a person’s age is calculated from zero at birth and a year is added on New Year’s Day.

The tradition has attracted criticism from politicians who believe it makes South Korea, a big Asian economy and global technological and cultural power, appear behind the times. The president, Yoon Suk-yeol, has criticised the multiple methods for calculating ages as a drain on resources.

The confusion should end in June – at least on official documents – when laws stipulating the use of only the international method of counting ages take effect.

“The revision is aimed at reducing unnecessary socioeconomic costs because legal and social disputes as well as confusion persist due to the different ways of calculating age,” Yoo Sang-bum of the ruling People Power party told parliament.

The system’s origins are unclear. One theory is that turning one year old at birth takes into account time spent in the womb – with nine months rounded up to 12. Others link it to an ancient Asian numerical system that did not have the concept of zero.

Frankly, some of these K-pop singers can use the free year.

I watched the latest Twice video, and was shocked.

When you start doing grimy rap, that’s when you know you’re not cute anymore. Time to cut a year off.

It’s also great that they’re becoming even more Americanized – something that we all know is very, very healthy and normal.