South Korea: Tranny Cyclist Wins Women’s Race to Prove Male Superiority

Trannies just keep winning!

How can anyone believe that women are “equal”???

Thus far, there is no example, ever, of a real woman beating a tranny at anything, ever.

How pathetic!

New York Post:

Born a biological male, one South Korean has continued her passion for completive cycling after transitioning to a woman against biological female riders — not for glory, but to prove a point to “selfish” trans athletes.

Na Hwa-rin, 37, was raised in a Christian family but knew since the age of 7 that she should have been born a female.

Na Hwa-rin

Following her transition last year, she was legally recognized as a woman in the eyes of the South Korean government and has continued with her lifelong love of racing as a cyclist now as a female.

Na secured a victory at the Gangwon Sports Festival in June but had an out-of-character reason for racing and winning — she set out to prove biological men are physically superior to biological women.


“I have no unresolved feelings over winning because that’s no longer what I want. My goal was to stir controversy and get my story heard by competing,” Na told the Korean Times.

Na, who was born and raised in Cheorwon, a city about 40 miles northeast of Seoul and bordering North Korea, is the first recognized transgender athlete in all of South Korea and said the win had her feeling “more relieved than triumphant.”

“I am not proud of myself at all. I believe other transgender athletes would feel the same way. They may not want to admit it, but they’re being selfish. There is no honor as an athlete in that,” she told the outlet.

Yeah, maybe no honor as an athlete – but there is honor as a man in humiliating women.

Before her transition, Na had already earned a reputation as a fierce competitor as a male — winning several medals in men’s races — some of which took place while she was undergoing hormone therapy, according to the South Korean Times.

Oh, so you mean to imply that the hormones that women’s bodies naturally produce make men weaker when they inject them?

The essence of women is the essence of failure?

Very true. Too true, in fact.

Na is not “honored” by winning the race but used her moment on the podium to send a message that athletic committees should include a “third gender” category for transgender athletes.

“It could be like how we have many weight divisions in some sports … Under the current binary system, women athletes will be discouraged, and their hard work might not be recognized due to the participation of transgender athletes,” she relayed to the outlet.

Na believes making a separate category is only fair to respect biological women athletes and other transgender athletes who wish to compete fairly against others with similar physical characteristics.

The important thing to remember about this very important issue of trannies destroying women’s sports is this: Prager U is collecting signatures.

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