Spain Refuses Docking to Migrant Ship: Rogue Minister?

Luis Castillo
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2018

So, get a load of this guy. José Luis Ábalos, Spain’s minister of Economic Development.

Deutsche Welle is reporting that he has announced, on behalf of Spain, that Spain will not be receiving its next scheduled negro shipment.

Deutche Welle:

Spanish Economic Development Minister Jose Luis Abalos said on Monday that his country would not offer docking to a NGO boat carrying some 230 migrants rescued at sea, saying Spain could not “become the sea rescue organization for all of Europe.”

His remarks come after the boat, operated by German NGO Mission Lifeline, was turned away by both Italy and Malta, with German lawmakers who have visited the stranded vessel speaking of worsening conditions on board and a possible humanitarian emergency as weather conditions deteriorate.

Libya’s coastguard said on Monday nearly a thousand people were rescued off its shores on Sunday.

Spanish authorities said 600 people had been picked up in coastal waters on Monday.

In his comments to Cadena Ser radio, Abalos said Spain could not “take on this responsibility alone.”

He said Spain’s acceptance of the Aquarius had aimed to draw attention to the problem of rescued migrants, but that a political solution was now needed.

This is a strange story. Nothing on this has broken in Spanish. There is no reason for the Economy minister to be commenting on this, since this is not even his job, this is the Interior ministry’s problem. I do not think he even has the authority to make a decision like this.

Though the dimensions on that nose really do make me wonder, this is the only seeming hetero male I’ve seen in government related to this issue.

I’m pretty sure this guy just went off the reservation and that he will be put back on the reservation and the negro invasion will resume. Must feel pretty bad, being the last guy in government who hasn’t been replaced with a bloodsucking lesbo catlady.

I will update this article or write a new one if it turns out that this is actually something, but for now, the official take on this is that it’s literally nothing.

Meanwhile, the entry of illegal immigrants has dramatically escalated, as predicted in my original very long article on the issue. 769 sub-saharan africans, overwhelmingly male, were brought in on Saturday by the NGOs.

El Mundo:

The past week, Spain registered one of its greatest migrant waves from Morocco. Between Friday 15 and yesterday, more than 3,000 people landed on the coasts of Andalucía or were rescued by Salvamento Marítimo. Two journalists from El Mundo spent four days with one of the groups that tried to pass the strait through Tánger and with the mafia that coordinated the operation. This is the story of what they saw.

The meeting began at 16:00 hours on a third floor in the neighborhood of Boukhalef, to the north of Tánger, the last stop for the migrants, at least four kilometers from the airport of Ibn Battuta. At first, there were jokes and laughter. Until Papi raised his voice, a man from Cameroon who has spent 15 months trapped in Tánger trying to cross in boat towards Spain. His story provoked a long silence. “People are very desperate to arrive safe in Europe. The sea is harsh and we know stories of people who, faced with the fear of seeing themselves surrounded by water, think that they must sacrifice a soul in order to survive. The other day a woman threw a months old baby into the sea as a sacrifice while she was on a boat.”


I wish I could throw African babies into the sea and face no legal consequences.

Damnit white privilege, why aren’t you working?

 “A friend also disappeared from an inflatable boat that was rescued by Salvamento Marítimo. Everyone who had got on was there except for him… they told us that he was forced to jump overboard because the boat was sinking and he was the heaviest.”


“Sorry, Mahoumet- we’re doing survival of the fittest here, and, well, look at you. You’ve been eating too many calorie bars from the WHO, if you know what I mean. Look at the rolls of fat on you. Absolutely disgusting. We don’t want you in our race any more. Time to go overboard, and swim back.”

The host, another man from Cameroon named Michel who makes money doing tattoos, tells us that he’s been living in this apartment for six months. He’s in a neighborhood that was built up a decade ago as part of a public housing project for Moroccans with limited resources. Today, many of the houses are abandoned, and it is the local mafias which break down the doors, change the locks, and rent them to the sub-saharans.

lol, thanks government of Morocco.

Michel shares the room with six other Cameroonians. Among them is his partner, Sanza, who is sixteen years old, and her two year old daughter.

Sixteen years old, two years plus nine months for the daughter…

You can do the math there.

Two weekends ago, more than a thousand sub-saharans launched into the water through the Strait of Gibraltar and the Sea of Alboran.

(That’s the west part of the Mediterranean.)

Various Spanish witnesses that were passing the day on the beaches of Cabo Espartel remember that they saw an avalanche of sub-saharans come running down with the boats, and that a group of Moroccans approached them with a knife, threatening them not to take photos.

Just, thank you so much, Morocco.

It’s entirely unclear to me why this country has not been genocided, and replaced with Europeans.

I mean, the Arabs genocided most of the people who were there, and Arabized the ones they didn’t kill. It’s just free land with Arabs on it.

This is the next logical step in the Reconquista.

One day we’ll push them back to Mecca.