State Department Warns China Against Helping Russia



I guess they found the new DS domain!

Seriously, Russia and China – just read the site, do the things. It will work.

Original article follows.

We’ve been talking about the Sino-Friendship Question with regards to the mounting Ukraine-Russia-ZOG situation since the manufactured crisis began. It’s really the most relevant question of all: what would China do in the case of an American attack on Russia?

Shockingly, I’ve not only never seen this brought up by anyone from the ZOG administration, but I’ve never even seen it brought up by the CNN people. It seemed there was a blackout on the most obvious and important question.

Well, the blackout is over.


Ned Price, a spokesperson for US President Joe Biden’s State Department, threatened Chinese businesses with economic punishment if they decide to work with Russia through any hypothetical US sanctions.

During a press conference on Thursday, Price claimed the US has “an array of tools that we can deploy if we see foreign companies, including those in China, doing their best to backfill US export control actions, to evade them, to get around them.”

If Russia thinks that it will be in a position… to mitigate some of those consequences, by a closer relationship with [China], that is not the case. It will actually make the Russian economy, in many ways, more brittle,” Price warned, in reference to hypothetical US sanctions against Moscow over a hypothetical Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Price continued to warn Russia it cannot survive without the West, claiming that “if you deny yourself the ability to transact with the West, to import with the West, from Europe, from the United States, you are going to significantly degrade your productive capacity and your innovative potential.”

As you can see, the context is sanctions, rather than war.

Over the last week or so, we’ve seen a dialing back of the war rhetoric, which has been replaced with sanctions rhetoric. Or course, at the same time, America is flying in troops and weapons and continuing to appear to be preparing for some kind of violent conflict, so nothing they say about anything actually has any meaning, really.

China has effectively already committed to strengthening economic ties with Russia in the case of a US blockade. They’ve been strengthening their partnership for years now on every level, as both have been declared enemies of the West.

And of course, they already had historical ties that go back nearly a century.

A top-ranking Russian politician recently came out and said that it is obvious that the US plan is to do a regime change in Russia first and then focus on China.

Related: So, What’s the Deal with This War with Russia? We Doing This Thing or What?

The logical thing for China and Russia, as I’ve said from the beginning, is to literally form a NATO type suicide pact. They can then start signing up satellite countries into the pact. Like, a peacekeeping force – and mediators – should have been sent to Burma when that crisis blew up.

But the most important thing is a mutual defense pact, which would severely deter the ZOG from starting a war. If Washington knew that Chinese troops would be committed to an action in the Ukraine, that would change everything, as they would not be able to argue that they are not trying to start a world war.

The same goes for Taiwan.

But yes, to the Ned Price statement – I think China will keep Russia’s economy afloat if they decide to go with heavy sanctions, even if that means heavy sanctions on China (which are probably not even possible).

The idea that China and Russia at this point in history need connections to the West to keep their people from starving is just wrong. Obviously, it would be a big blow to both countries, but you also have the fact that Germany can’t supply its own people with energy right now, so I mean, you’re going to have a lot of Europeans asking what is going on.

Or maybe they won’t ask. I don’t know.

This whole virus hoax and the forced vaccine thing and all of the various other components of the MEGA HOAX have created such massive social confusion that I don’t know if you can expect anyone to really act rationally in any situation.