Stormer Book Club’s “Operation Freeze Peach” Causes Horrified Hand Rubbing

Daily Stormer
September 10, 2018

As you are all aware, heroic defender of The American Way Alex Jones has been censored completely off all social media platforms by nefarious Jews and one alleged homosexualist shabbos goy (Jack Dorsey).

Of course, Alex was AWOL when Daily Stormer was being completely shuttened off these tubes, but as we never hold as grudge against a fellow huwhite who is being persecuted by (((globalists))), Stormer Book Club has come to AJ’s defense with an aggressive pro-1st Amendment nationwide flyering campaign!

Only the strong survive.

“Operation Freeze Peach” has taken the nation by storm!

Nice hashtags

Detroit Free Press:

Anti-Semitic flyers featuring crude caricatures of Jews were discovered Sunday morning outside the First United Methodist Church in Ferndale and reported to police.

The black-and-white flyers were taped to three entrances of the church, 22331 Woodward Ave., and expressed support for the controversial far-right websites The Daily Stormer and

The flyers blamed Jewish people for the fact that The Daily Stormer, a virulently anti-Semitic publication, was booted from a succession of website domains since August 2017. “They are coming for your free speech next,” the flyers said.

OK, but where’s the lie tho?

Jill Warren, a member of the church’s congregation, said they reported the flyers to Ferndale police.

“We need to make sure people are safe on our property, and hopefully whoever put them there will realize that we’re vigilant and not going to allow that kind of thing,” said Warren, whose husband, the Rev. Robert Schoenhals, is the church’s minister.

Ferndale Police Lt. Dennis Emmi said the department dispatched an officer to the church and took a police report. However, it does not appear that the flyers constitute a crime.

“It appears to be not a criminal matter at this point as it appears to fall under freedom of speech,” Emmi said. Still, the department will investigate to try to determine who posted the flyers and if violations, such as trespassing, occurred, he said.

“In the end, it still may be non-criminal and fall under the First Amendment,” Emmi said.

Not a crime. Oy gevalt, that pesky 1st Amendment is so anti-Semitic! How dare these American goyim? Doesn’t the six gorillion count for anything anymore?

The Forward:

Anti-Semitic fliers were posted at or near five San Francisco-area synagogues ahead of Rosh Hashanah.

The fliers, which included caricatures of Jews with big hooked noses rubbing their hands together, named the far-right website Daily Stormer, one of the internet’s most prominent anti-Semitic outlets.

The Anti-Defamation League issued a community security advisory about the fliers on Friday, J, The Jewish News of Northern California, reported.

They sure did. Paranoid Jews smdh.

Check out The Forward’s awesome featured image!

San Francisco is a bustling hive of swarming Neon-Nazis!

The Proud Boys, desperately clutching at that elusive thing known as CULTURAL RELEVANCE decided to insert themselves into the conversation.

FYI, the Fake News didn’t mention The Proud Boys at all. One person posted in a Proud Boys thread that maybe they were involved and they immediately melted down and commenced to cucking, denouncing, and virtue signaling like the Very Good Goyim they are.

The International Jewish blogosphere was absolutely on fire with articles about this campaign. Most of it was one website doing a copypasta of another website, with links going back and forth between all these online Learned Elder hubs, so I won’t bore you with it.

What this illustrates more than anything is that Stormer Book Club is indeed North America’s foremost pro-White activism organization, able to swing into action and get conversations started all over the world with extreme efficiency and style.

Here is a gallery of some, but not nearly all, of the nationwide flyer postings during this campaign.

Los Angeles:


Pasadena, CA:

San Francisco Bay Area:

Roanoke, VA:

Fargo, ND:

Kansas City, Kansas:

Detroit, MI metro area:


Southwest Florida:

Birmingham, AL:

Chicago, IL:

Cleveland, OH:

New Hampshire:

There are many more where these came from, and we already had several other successful campaigns that I will be updating you on here on Daily Stormer in upcoming days.

If you are a young White Man of Good Character and you are interested in applying for membership in Stormer Book Club, please email!