Study: Physically Fit People Have Stronger and Sharper Brains

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2019

According to Plato, Aristotle and Socrates, physical fitness and intellectual fitness couldn’t and shouldn’t be separated.

Aristotle, notice the strong core and well-proportioned arms

Plato, notice the well-defined pectoral muscle and the size of the biceps

Socrates, powerful forearms, thick biceps, no fat

Thucydides said “a nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.”

Thucydides, fit mind and fit body

Now science is giving credit to their wisdom.

Study Finds:

It’s no secret that exercise can be beneficial from a psychological perspective. A session at the gym or jog around the neighborhood can help us clear our mind, reset our thoughts, and improve our mood. Now, a team of German scientists have discovered that keeping oneself physically fit is also associated with better brain structure and functioning in young adults.

Once researchers decided they wanted to investigate the connection between exercise and brain functioning, they opted to use a publicly accessible database of 1,206 MRI scans. These scans were taken from the Human Connectome Project, a volunteer program in which people contributed their MRIs to a database for the purpose of scientific research. The average volunteer age was 30 years old.

“The great strength of this work is the size of the database. Normally when you are dealing with MRI work, a sample of 30 is pretty good, but the existence of this large MRI database allowed us to eliminate possibly misleading factors, and strengthened the analysis considerably,” comments team leader Dr. Jonathan Repple, of University Hospital Muenster, Germany, in a release.

Researchers determined that young, healthy adults who were able to walk the farthest distances within two minutes scored the highest on the cognitive performance tests. It was also noted that the fittest participants displayed better structural integrity of white matter in their brains; white matter helps improve the speed and quality of interconnecting nerves in the brain.

Fat people are not the best thinkers. Their brains are just not up to par with fit people.

Fat people are not the best leaders. Their brains are just not able to handle the stress.

Fat people can’t really be considered functional. Their minds are literally not functioning properly.

Character manifests physically.

Want to read people’s mind? Read their bodies.

It surprised us to see that even in a young population cognitive performance decreases as fitness levels drops. We knew how this might be important in an elderly population which does not necessarily have good health, but to see this happening in 30 year olds is surprising. This leads us to believe that a basic level of fitness seems to be a preventable risk factor for brain health,” Dr. Repple continues.

Moving forward, the research team want to continue investigating the effects of physical fitness on brain functioning. More specifically, they would like to examine changes in brain structure and performance among people who were unfit but then got themselves into better shape.

This type of study raises an important question. We see that fitter people have better brain health, so we now need to ask whether actually making people fitter will improve their brain health. Finding this out is our next step. There are some trials which point in that direction, but if we can prove this using such a large database, this would be very significant”. Dr. Repple concludes.

So-called “intellectuals” or “thought leaders” who are overweight are nothing more than mental masturbators and procrastinators spewing estrogen-fueled ideas and talking points to achieve estrogen-inspired goals.

Fat raises estrogen, estrogen makes men more like women, and women are dumber than men.

Overweight men are more emotional, less logical, and more scheming and manipulative than physically fit men.

How can you expect someone to have any kind of control over their minds if they clearly have no control over their bodies?

Your dominion extends physically and mentally.

Exercise your authority.