Sweden: Gang of Brown Children Assault Local Kids, Threaten Them with Rape

This is what happens when you mix a bunch of Moslem children who were raised in a strong, patriarchal household with a bunch of meek Swedish lambs who were told by their two mothers that they should tell the teacher if someone bullies them.

Infowars Europe:

A gang of migrant children aged eight to 12 have been terrorizing locals in Grums, Sweden with taunts, physical assaults, and even rape threats.

Kids are returning home bloody from beatings and more and more parents are not letting their children play alone outside.

“They have thrown rocks or beaten [other kids] with sheet metal pipes and sticks so children started to bleed,” said a resident. “The worst thing was that a child was strangled and received marks.”

“But it is also about sexual threats: ‘I will rape you,’ they say.”

The gang’s parents – being new arrivals themselves – don’t speak Swedish, complicating social service’s efforts to stop further attacks.

“We will meet the parents of these children and try to explain to them what their children are doing,” added Hynynen. “We really hope, for the sake of peace, that this will end.”

The tenant association – as well as its denizens – are concerned with resolving the crisis to avoid a potential rise in xenophobia amongst Swedes, according to their website.