Sweden: “Green” Party Demands Parents Send Their Kids to Schools in Moslem Ghettos

Bussing worked really well in America, and created a utopia where blacks and whites now really love each other and totally understand each other and do nothing but sing songs together and love each other.

If you don’t believe me, just turn on the television and watch any commercial. Then, check the like to dislike ratio when these commercials get uploaded online.

America is a post-racial utopia, mostly due to aggressive race-mixing social engineering programs, in particular school integration.

So it’s no real surprise that the Swedes would look at our success and say “this is how we can fix the divide between old Swedes and the new Swedes they’re being rapidly replaced with.”


Members of the Green Party in Gothenburg have called on native Swedes to enroll their children in no-go “vulnerable area” schools to combat segregation and aid integration efforts.

Karin Pleijel, local group leader for the Greens in Gothenburg, stated that issues around segregation would be a major theme for the Greens going into the Swedish national election later this year.

It’s always a woman

“Gothenburg has the potential to become a large, international city. But right now, I am deeply concerned about the developments we are seeing. What is happening is appalling. We cannot have this segregation,” Pleijel told newspaper Goteborgs Posten.

Can’t have it, folks.

Just can’t have.

Gotta integrate.

It’s like that 1990s song from The Offspring: you gotta keep ’em integrated.

This is the only path to a true utopia.

According to Pleijel, encouraging native Swedish parents to enroll their children in “vulnerable area” schools could help integration efforts.

So-called vulnerable areas, commonly referred to as no-go areas, are neighborhoods in Sweden which have high unemployment and high crime rates, are often underscored by high levels of migrant-background residents, and are sometimes characterized by residents who display religious fundamentalism.

“We want to try to stimulate parents’ choices in groups. Make them think – how do I contribute to segregation? And what can I do about it? A parent today might think – oh, it’s only my child who has Swedish as their mother tongue if I choose this school,” Pleijel said.

Pleijel added that if parents came together in groups, they would feel more encouraged to send their children to schools in vulnerable areas and said it would help children in vulnerable areas learn the Swedish language and help native Swedish children learn other languages.

Students in schools in no-go areas often underperform academically compared to other areas.

The reason they underperform is that white people hate them for no reason.

This has been well-established by gangs of Jewish child molesters from all of the top universities.