Sweden: Pack of Moslem Girls Attack Swedish Girl in School Hallway

You can be sure that if whites had attacked a Moslem girl instead, that Swedish teacher standing around doing nothing would have intervened immediately.

Samnytt (Translation):

Society News has viewed a video from a school showing how a bunch of drawn-up hoodies surround and push up a girl against a cupboard. After that, the people heat the girl and then tear her down to the floor and hit her head. At the same time, a woman who appears to be a school staff looks passively and intervenes only when the girl is already lying on the floor and receives blows.

The video, which was published earlier this week on the platform Snapchat, shows how one of the perpetrators is pushing on the girl who is penetrated in the school corridor. The person at the same time questions why the girl goes into her.

Shortly afterwards, one of the perpetrators goes to attack the girl and pulls her in the hair. The girl is torn to the floor and forced to receive several blows to the head. At the same time, it is seen how school staff stand next to each other and look without intervening until the girl is well on the floor.

Looks like they might have been Somalis