Sweden: Somali Arrested for Knife Murder in Central Gothenburg

The problem with this Somali is that he’s still a Somali.

Give him Swedish citizenship – thus making him an instant Swede – and he’ll start acting like Sven or Bjorn in no time.

Fria Tider (Translation):

A 21-year-old immigrant has been arrested on probable grounds for the knife killing in Nordstan in Gothenburg last Friday.

It was last night that a 19-year-old man was severely injured in Nordstan in central Gothenburg and later died of his injuries.

It was the second knife killing in the city in just one week.

Shortly after the incident, a suspect was arrested. He was arrested today on probable grounds for murder.

According to the arrest warrant, which Free Times has read, it is a 21-year-old man with citizenship in Somalia.

The murder happened sometime between 23.40-23.50 on Friday.