Sweden: Two Moslem Youths Charged with Beating and Choking Swedish Teen

I know that these young Swedes had the disadvantage of being raised in a matriarchy that teaches them to piss sitting down, but they really need to get it together and start taking up martial arts or boxing or something.

They’re getting beaten and humiliated by little brown desert rats in front of the whole world.

Infowars Europe:

Migrants from Afghanistan and Syria have been charged in the ruthless beating of a Swedish teen that was captured on video and spread virally in May, according to local media.

In the shocking footage, the victim is held in a choke-hold while his assailants kick and strike him, all while one films the attack.

Eventually the victim is ushered into his vehicle, where one of his tormentors then kicks him in the face as he sits in the driver’s seat.

“Two foreign nationals are now being prosecuted for the abuse,” Fria Tider reports, noting that both are 16-years-old.

“One is a citizen of Afghanistan and needs an interpreter in Farsi. The other is a citizen of Syria. The immigrants, together and in collusion, struck and kicked the victim in the head and body and choked him, according to the indictment.”

The Syrian reportedly faces additional charges for issuing criminal threats to passengers inside the vehicle.

The victim says the attack was unprovoked.