Sweden: Two Moslems to be Deported for Raping Drunk Swedish Slut During Game of Truth or Dare

“Abdalrahman” and “Ali.”

Just how stupid are these THOTs?

Imagine playing truth or dare with two Moslems and not thinking it’s going to end in a brutal and unforgiving rape.

Fria Tider (Translation):

Svea Court of Appeal has decided that two so-called refugee children will be expelled to the Arab world after brutally raping a girl in Stockholm while laughing. This despite the fact that the Swedish Migration Board considered that there were obstacles to expelling the men.

Between 15 and 16 December 2018 at Kungsholmen in Stockholm, a girl, born in 2001, was raped. Two so-called unaccompanied refugee children, Abdalrahman and Ali who claim to be born in 1999 and 1998, were arrested just over three days later.

Both men have a residence permit and the Swedish Migration Board considered that there were obstacles to expulsion, Aftonbladet wrote earlier.

The girl had met a girlfriend during the evening and they went to Stadshagen to buy alcohol. They met Ali, who sold a liquor bottle to them. Abdalrahman came up and asked for a lighter.

The duo got the girls to come up to Ali’s apartment where they started drinking from the alcohol bottle.

When Ali or Abdalrahman wanted to play truth or dare, the girl chose dare, causing Abdalrahman to ask her to drink more. After playing for a while, she told everyone that she couldn’t cope with more alcohol because she felt so bad. Then Abdalrahman got annoyed and shouted that she should drink more.

When the girl was really drunk, the Arabduon was raped several times violently amid laughter, among other things while she was vomiting.

“Threesome!” shouted a laughing Abdalrahman at one point while he watched as Ali raped the girl.

At one point when the girl screamed, “Stop! Stop!” Abdalrahman began grinning and photographing her abdomen with the mobile camera. The girl could see that he was logged in to Snapchat but did not see if he sent the picture to anyone. In the interrogation, Abdalrahman has said that he has 40,000 followers on Snapchat.

General documents show that Abdalrahman is a citizen of Syria and Ali is a citizen of Yemen. Both have interpretation needs in Arabic. Ali applied for asylum as an unmarried person in June 2015 and was granted a temporary residence permit in October 2015. Abdalrahman applied for asylum in September 2015 as unanimous and was granted a permanent residence permit in October 2016.