Swedish State TV Brings on Old Hags to Talk About Farting Out Semen

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2017

There are times when I can’t even believe what I am seeing. I mean, I know things are bad, but sometimes you forget. You go about your day, spend some time with the folks for the holidays, get some Pad Thai and think, “hey, its not so bad, really.”

I knew a guy that worked in Africa. He was a total libshit, but he would tell me that the shit he saw there never even gets reported.


No one would even believe what these ‘people’ get up to in Africa if they reported it in the West. I’m talking amputating limbs and eating them for magical cures, fucking pigmy chieftans in the ass (also for magical cures), and designated men ‘hyenas’ that pop all the girls cherries in a village when they hit 12.

But now I’m at that same level with Sweden.

No one even believes me anymore.

Like what if I told them about this:

You know, that state sponsored TV has a show talking about farting out cum loads from your ass and thinks that this is instructional for young girls.

I mean, try and put yourself in a basic bitch normie conservative’s shoes.

He would not believe you. And even if he saw it, he wouldn’t know how to respond. He might ask for additional proof. And then you’d show him what the producers of the show themselves said.

(in video description)

”In the talk show: ”Really good sex – now also for girls” Amanda, Anna and Isabelle speak about their common interest – exciting, fun and good sex. Is it really nice to have sex to music, what’s the easiest way to get a ”fountain orgasm”, and in what position is it nicest? We believe that girls have a great neeed to relate to and be inspired by others experience of fun and enjoyable sex. Throughout history female sexuality has been constructed as something passive and the male [sexuality] as something active, which has led to female sexuality being labelled as shameful, to be controlled and be tabu. Examples of ”slut-shaming” are normal even today. Many women have also been exposed to different forms of sexual harassment, to a degree that has become painfully clear during #metoo Because society to a certain degree silences girls sexuality, and teache women to feel shame for being horny, many have a difficult time fully enjoying sex. Harassment and assault can complicate the access to sexual feelings and hornyness further. We think it is high time that women are allowed to be the center of sex and are allowed to speak freely instead. In ”Really good sex”, different poses, elevetaro sex, the first masturbation session, and sexual fantasies at the gynecologist are discussed. Threesomes, anal sex, and which form of hornyness is greatest – the one with new or old partners? Women rarely speak like that about sex on television – it is even more common that they are portrayed as sexual objects. We believe that personal stories, which are neither hard facts or dramatized fiction, fills a hole when it comes to sex programs. Our hope is that the program can led to more women daring to like sex without feeling shame, and maybe even having better sex. If not, it’s wonderful to be able to relate to and laugh at sex-anecdotes. Because, as Isabelle says in the program. ”It’s fun to talk about fucking!” Stina Schedwin, executive producer at SVT Edit”

Look, I’m not a prude by any means.

But this has practically nothing to do with sex whatsoever. This has to do with public humiliation, and with the Jews trying to pull us down to the level of niggers.

They try to couch it in trendy, empowering, feminist poop-dick talk, but that’s what it really is. They get a kick out of seeing us like this. When we’re talking about Brown Gold or whatever, is when the Jews start cackling their loudest.

And non-Whites see this too.

What do you think they think of us? It’s embarrassing to be quite honest fam. It’s like having a stranger see you wash your dirty underwear and see the shart stains from the Chipotle you had earlier in the day.

Fuck this gay earth, fam. Weimar had nothing on this.

I’m just happy that this is all being documented in ways that would have been impossible 100 years ago. We’re never going to forgive, and we’re never going to forget.