Taliban Orders NGOs to Ban Women from Workplace Because Sluts are Running Buckwild

Previously: UN Wants to Ruin Afghanistan Because They Won’t Let Sluts Go Buckwild All Over the Place

People keep acting like the Taliban is just slapping these hoes around for fun.

I’m sure it is fun. But all these Jew media people keep failing to mention that the Taliban was originally allowing sluts to attend university. They had to stop it because the sluts were cock-crazy and going buckwild.


Afghanistan’s Taliban-run administration on Saturday ordered all local and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGO) to stop female employees from coming to work, according to an economy ministry letter, in the latest crackdown on women’s freedoms.

The letter, confirmed by economy ministry spokesperson Abdulrahman Habib, said the female employees were not allowed to work until further notice because some had not adhered to the administration’s interpretation of Islamic dresscode for women.

It comes days after the Taliban-run administration ordered universities to close to women, prompting strong global condemnation and sparking some protests and heavy criticism inside Afghanistan.

It was not immediately clear how the order would affect United Nations agencies, which have a large presence in Afghanistan delivering services amid the country’s humanitarian crisis.

When asked whether the rules included U.N. agencies, Habib said the letter applied to organisations under Afghanistan’s coordinating body for humanitarian organisations, known as ACBAR. That body does not include the United Nations, but includes over 180 local and international NGOs.

The Americans taught an entire generation of sluts in Afghanistan that they can guzzle all the cock they can find and no man can stop them. The Taliban is proving the Americans wrong.

Men are physically stronger than women by a lot. Men have the absolute ability to force women to do things.

The only way women are “independent” is with the permission of men.

Is that really independence?