Taliban Say Western Men are Oppressed by Feminists, Need Andrew Tate

Previously: Andrew Tate Prosecution was Organized by the United States Government

The Taliban is right about women.

New York Post:

The Taliban are reportedly worried about the fate of misogynistic influencer Andrew Tate as he faces prosecution in Romania for allegedly trafficking women and forcing them to appear in porn videos.

A former beauty queen who’s been called “Wifey” by Tate claimed that she discussed his arrest and jailing with the Islamic extremists in charge of Afghanistan.

They are worried about Andrew Tate and they are asking us if he’s free yet,” former Miss New Jersey Sameera Khan tweeted Saturday. “They say westerners need Andrew Tate because we are oppressed by feminists.”

Khan, a self-described “anti-woke journalist,” later posted a warning she got from Twitter that said unidentified “people from Germany” had filed a complaint about her tweet through the Network Enforcement Act.

“This entire website is filled with p—ies,” she complained.

This is why the Taliban needs a seat on the UN Security Council.