Texas: Execution Date Set for Missing Link Who Strangled White Woman to Death in 1996

It’s been a long time coming, but a White Supremacist jury has finally decided that this “boot-lipped moon cricket” (their words, not mine) needs to be put down once and for all.


A Bastrop District court has set an execution date for death-row inmate Rodney Reed. He is set to be put to death by lethal injection on Nov. 20, 2019, according to an order signed by Presiding Judge Doug Shaver.

The order details eight times Reed has unsuccessfully attempted to appeal and overturn his conviction over the past 20 years since he was convicted in the 1996 strangulation and sexual assault of 19-year-old Stacey Stites.

Rodney Reed.

A prosecutor for the state filed a motion requesting an execution date on July 12. Reed’s attorney, Bryce Benjet, argued the state filed that motion in retaliation for Reed’s family protesting the case in Washington D.C. a day earlier. Benjet said the state violated the Reed family’s 1st Amendment rights and falsely implied the execution date would not interfere with litigation in the case, according to a motion.

Stites was set to marry her fiance Jimmy Fennell, a Giddings police officer, within days of her death.

DNA found on Stites linked Reed to the murder. Reed claims he was involved in a secret sexual relationship with her, and the defense has brought forward several witnesses since the original trial who say they knew of the relationship.

Oh, she was a coalburner.

Because of course.

Stacey Stites.