“Now That’s Thinking with Your Anus!” – Trump Intelligence Appointee Begins “Unloading”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2020

There was a time when I would read something like this and think it might be good news.

Oh how young I was.

New York Times:

Richard Grenell’s tenure as the nation’s top intelligence official may be short-lived, but he wasted no time this week starting to shape his team of advisers, ousting his office’s No. 2 official — a longtime intelligence officer — and bringing in an expert on Trump conspiracy theories to help lead the agency, according to officials.

Mr. Grenell has also requested the intelligence behind the classified briefing last week before the House Intelligence Committee where officials told lawmakers that Russia was interfering in November’s presidential election and that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia favored President Trump’s re-election. The briefing later prompted Mr. Trump’s anger as he complained that Democrats would use it against him.

Joseph Maguire, the former acting director of national intelligence, and his deputy, Andrew P. Hallman, resigned on Friday. Mr. Grenell told Mr. Hallman, popular in the office’s Liberty Crossing headquarters, that his service was no longer needed, according to two officials. Mr. Hallman, who has worked in the office or at the C.I.A. for three decades, expressed confidence in his colleagues in a statement but also referred to the “uncertainties that come with change.”

We’re not going to get anything from this homosexual cocksucker, just like we got nothing from the half-Jew William Barr. Barr went nuts and turned against Trump, having done literally nothing. That whole stupid thing about Trump allegedly getting involved in the Roger Stone sentencing meant what, exactly? Roger Stone still got sentenced to a stupid amount of time and now Trump has to pardon him.

Barr was appointed because he said Donald Trump shouldn’t be impeached.

Semen-eating Grenell was appointed because he said he doesn’t believe Donald Trump is a Russian spy.

These are incredibly low bars being set here.