The AP Writer Who Questioned the State Department Russian Crisis Actor False Flag Hoax

This video should have been in Elvis Dunderhoff’s article yesterday about the State Department claim that Russia is planning to film a crisis actor video to stage a false flag invasion, or however you want to word that. Elvis didn’t include it for reasons unbeknownst to this writer. But whatever. It’s worthy of its own post.

This video shows Ned Price, who was shilling this theory that the Russians are going to film a false flag hoax, being confronted by AP reporter Matt Lee. Lee keeps asking for evidence, and price keeps saying “my word is the evidence.” Then Lee says “this is like, Alex Jones territory, you’re talking about crisis actors.”

Price keeps going on just saying “believe you me, sir.” Then eventually, he accuses the AP reporter of being a Russian agent. Of course. Of course.

What else could he be, unwilling to trust the lying Jewish State Department?

I didn’t really realize – at all – that there were still reporters like this working for the Associated Press. I mean, this guy is just like “where is the evidence for these claims?” I’ve not seen anyone say anything like that since like, maybe someone asked George Bush about Saddam being an al-Qaeda agent who planned 9/11. That person would have been promptly accused of being a terrorism sympathizer and a 9/11 supporter, of course.

But it seems like in the Obama Age, anyone who would question anything was cleared out of the mainstream media. But here’s this guy.

I guess he was mumbling through a cuck mask during the questioning. Watching the video, I just assumed he was a bit tipsy.

Is that a scarf? Or what exactly is going on there?

Anyway – really cool guy. Matt Lee.

More like Stagger Lee.

This could just as easily have gone:

Matt Lee: Mister motherfucker, do you know who I am?

Ned Price: No, and I don’t give a good god damn.

Matt Lee: Well, Ned Price, it’s plain to see, I’m the bad motherfucker called Matt Lee. Mr. Matt Lee.

Ned Price: Yeah, I’ve heard your name down the way, and I kick motherfucking asses like you every day.

Those would have been Price’s unfortunate last words, in this theory.

But seriously, I mean – he accused the guy of being a Russian agent. Tucker Carlson covered this last night and was like “there was a time when this would have resulted in the guy getting punched in the face. It used to be a big deal to openly accuse someone of being disloyal to their country.”

When Lee said “that’s not evidence, Ned – that’s you saying it. I’m sorry.” I felt such happiness. Ned became befuddled, as it was clearly not something he would ever have imagined could happen – a reporter questioning him, instead of just printing what he said as fact, as all other media does.

Remember “Russian bounties on American soldiers”?

Ned Price is from Georgetown. He quit the CIA because he didn’t want to work for Donald Trump. Now he’s working for the State Department, spreading strange and suspicious rumors.

If we’re talking about the Russians filming videos with crisis actors in order to incite political provocation, then why can’t we talk about Sandy Hook? Did that seem real to anyone?

At the very least, we should be able to talk about the fact that the CIA literally staged a crisis actor hoax in Syria to justify the Trump bombing. That was confirmed by the UN inspectors. Their report got denounced or whatever, but I don’t think anyone went so far as to claim the UN inspectors were Russian plants. They just stopped talking about it in the media.

So, okay – filming videos with crisis actors is apparently something that the US government says happens. But the US government is also implying that they are too moral to have ever done something like that. It made more sense when they said it was just outright insane to claim that anyone would ever film a video with crisis actors. That was a more coherent narrative, even if it doesn’t make sense why someone wouldn’t be able to do that.

But the State Department is really ramping this up.

So I mean – yes, probably if there was an atrocity in the Ukraine against Russian nationals (or “ethnically Russian Ukrainian nationals,” if you want to use faggot speak), Russians would probably invade the country.

So the situation now is – the CIA can go in with some Ukrainian team and do a massacre and film it, then Russia invades, then they say the atrocity was fake and Russia staged it with actors. Actually, probably what they would do is film their own staged atrocity, then separately commit a real atrocity, so then they could debunk their own crisis actor video.

It’s a reverse false flag. You false flag the enemy doing a false flag.

This is getting to be some like, Marshall McLuhan, Medium is the Message, Jean Baudrillard hyperreality type of a loop.

That is to say – death to Videodrome.

Long live the new flesh.

(I wish Matt Lee would have been dragged out of the room and started screaming “DEATH TO VIDEODROME.” That would have been awesome.)

For all of you people talking about the “myth of the good Jew” – explain David Cronenberg.

I agree with you that it is a myth, basically.

But maybe it’s like Highlander – there can only be one Good Jew.

And it’s David Cronenberg.

He’s pushing 80 and he’s about to release a new version of Crimes of the Future. It’s listed as “horror” – not thriller or sci-fi or whatever. I think this could be hardcore. It is slated to be the last good movie ever made.

I check up on it. It’s not done with editing. It’s not too late to include a parody of this interaction between Ned Price and Matt Lee.

(Editor’s Note: If anyone goes and watches Videodrome after this, like by searching “Videodrome full film” on, and doesn’t understand it – that’s on you. But I don’t blame you. Some people just don’t get some things. None of you are going to get all the things I get. Just be happy that we all get the Ned Price v. Matt Lee video.)