Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2020

There are still people on the internet claiming that Joe Biden could see some kind of surge when the heavily black states start voting. Because, the theory goes, the blacks are loyal to Biden because he was Barack Obama’s first mate.
The problem with this theory is that there is zero evidence to support it. In fact, the evidence is the opposite: blacks are increasingly turning towards Bernie Sanders.
A recent poll by The Morning Consultant showed that 33% of blacks prefer Sanders while just 29% prefer Biden.
What’s more, Biden’s lead in South Carolina is undergoing a process of collapse.
New York Post provides current South Carolina numbers:
The latest polls of Democrats in the Palmetto State show Biden’s once-commanding 28-point lead in November has shrunken to just five percentage pionts over a now surging Bernie Sanders in the same CBS News/YouGov poll released Saturday.
That result was echoed Monday in an NBC News/Marist poll that also found the two locked in a tight battle — Sanders at 23 percent, closely trailing Biden at 27 percent.
I believe that in South Carolina, Biden’s remaining lead in these polls is due to the blacks. But how many blacks are actually going to show up to pick between two old white guys in a primary?

Probably not a lot.
I’m not going to predict that Bernie is going to win South Carolina, but I think there’s a very good chance that will happen, and if it does, it will be time for Biden to drop out.
Basically, the problem here was that Biden was just too cool.
People desire a level of dorkyness in their presidential candidates, so when you go out there with literal moves like Jagger, you’re automatically handicapped.
I mean, did you see the error page on his campaign website?
I heard that people in his campaign were like, “Joe, daddy-o, you gotta dial back the cool, these cats can’t handle the heat of your furnace. You gotta dig it, boss man, you gotta stop layin down the word, cuz these squares can’t dig it!”
Biden did his best, I’m told, but there was just no way to tame his cool flame of hip fashion.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is a complete nerd.
He’s uptight and even in private meetings does nothing but whine about the need to liberate the Danzig Corridor.