The Collapse of the Jewish Hive Mind

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 16, 2014

The world parasite, now called the eternal victim, will expose itself and the whole world will see it for what it is.
The world parasite, now called the eternal victim, will expose itself and the whole world will see it for what it is.

Last year, in a poll of Jews in France and Belgium, 80% “described immigration as a problem, too, suggesting tense relations between Jewish communities and recently arrived immigrants.”

And yet, it is the Jews themselves who have demanded mass immigration into Europe. Sometimes, this is done as an official group effort by the Jews, such as is the case with World Jewish Congress, which regularly voices support for “multiculturalism” in Europe. More widespread, and more damaging overall are the “individual” Jews who achieve positions of power in governments or manage lobbying groups and NGOs and then use this influence to change policy and forward the multicultural agenda.

“Individual” Jews have also, of course, forwarded the liberal agenda which forms the ideological basis of the invasion scheme through their dominance of education and media.

The Jew pushes multiculturalism because it was by weakening the dominant culture, historically, that he was able to thrive.  He evolved in such a way as to live as a parasite on another people, without producing anything with his own hands.  He would play the role of destroyer, and profit from whatever chaos he was able to cause.  The more chaotic the society became, the more he was able to profit through the manipulation of money, until he was eventually expelled, as happened 109 times in European history.

Before the industrial revolution however, the Jew was never able to achieve complete control of a society, given both that he is a completely urban creature and that during the agricultural age, the people of the host society were able to continue to feed themselves even when the society was in a state of economic turmoil.

The 110th time will be the last time.
The 110th time will be the last time.

Now, in this modern age, he has achieved a level of power he is not capable of managing, and this is causing the parasite to kill the host.  The Jew, functioning on the same evolutionarily developed survival mechanisms as in days of old allowed him to sustain himself, is destroying the Western world completely, and will destroy himself along with it.

But he cannot help himself.

Muslim immigrants into Europe are now regularly attacking Jews on the streets, attacking their synagogues.  It is only a matter of time before they begin a more heavy bombardment.

There are six million Jews living in the United States, according to the most recent census data.  And yet, Jewish power is fervently working to destroy what is left of this nation, creating a situation where the level of non-White immigrants is so high that the White man cannot possibly manage them all.

Eventually, every city in the US will begin to look more and more like Detroit or LA, where non-Whites run wild and no one is safe.  When the ball finally drops, and hell breaks loose on a large scale, it will be the urban-dwelling Jew who is the first to have his door kicked-in by rioting hordes.

When the economy finally falls out, will a hundred million armed blacks and latinos be good for the Jews?
When the economy finally falls out, will a hundred million armed blacks and latinos be good for the Jews?

If the Jew was capable of regulating his own behavior, he would see that this pattern of destruction by way of mass immigration into White nations is as damaging to him as it is to us in the long run.  But he is not capable of regulating his own behavior, because he is incapable of even understanding it himself.  His behavior pattern is intrinsic in his DNA, a programmed pattern, developed through millenia of evolution (really, rather than evolution in the normal sense, the Jew developed through a type of anti-eugenics program he ran on himself, breeding for certain traits which let themselves to a certain type of behavior).

He does not have a plan.  This is not a “Jewish conspiracy.”  It is the acting out of a biological program.

What is Now Good for the Jews?

The basic biological program of the Jew was to always ask “what is best for the Jews?” and act on that.  This question used to be simple for him to answer as an individual Jew, and it was simple for him to pick-up on another Jew who was acting in the interest of Jews, and go along with whatever it was he was doing.  However, this question is no longer easily answered, and thus we are witnessing an internal collapse of the Jewish hive mind.

They are now acting against their own interests on a constant basis, always without realizing it.  Along with the unmanageable level of chaos they have created through immigration, war and malevolent social engineering (feminism, homosexuality, racial integration, etc.), they are acting in their own defense in such a way that it is exposing their base nature to the world.

Instead of seeing that the Holocaust fable is on its last leg, and phasing out the propaganda in support of this most massive of lies, they continue to push the hoax down people’s throats ever more aggressively.  With each new attack on “Holocaust denial,” they lose ground and cause more people to question the stories they have told.  Eventually, the number of those questioning it will reach critical mass, and the emperor will stand naked in front of the whole world.

The Holohoax is no longer sustainable, and yet they continue to shove it down people's throats.
The Holohoax is no longer sustainable, and yet they continue to shove it down people’s throats.

The collapse of the Holohoax fable – which is indeed the basis of Jewish power in the Western world, as it makes them unquestionable as a collective body in the eyes of the people – is compounded by their reactionary response to any other form of criticism.  As we saw with the Gary Oldman debacle, they refuse to give even an inch, even when the public is closely watching them.  Abe Foxman and the ADL continued to press the issue, forcing Oldman to humiliate himself publicly for having stated an objective fact about the Jewish control of Hollywood.

They are attempting to plug holes in a collapsing dam with machine gun fire.

They continue to condemn the whole world for Antisemitism, without ever even attempting to explain what Antisemitism is, or why it exists.  This only ever worked because of the Holocaust story, which was deeply programmed into the psyche of the masses as the worst event in history – they could say “Antisemitism,” and people did not have the ability to ask what exactly the word meant, so overwhelmed were they with mental images of gas chambers and mass graves.

As the Holocaust loses traction, so too does the idea that anyone who questions Jewish behavior does so because they are planning to gas them.

The Future of the Jew

The devious and destructive nature of the Jew is now completely open and public.  We are simply waiting for it to be acknowledged.

This latest massacre in Gaza, where hundreds have been murdered or maimed (the majority of them women and children), allegedly in self-defense, while not a single Jew has been harmed, is going to go a long way toward the ultimate collapse of the story of the Jew as an eternal victim.  This biggest lie of the victimizer as the victim was only ever sustainable for a period, and that period is coming to an end.

Despite the Jewish media's attempts to hide it, the whole world is witnessing the mass slaughter of women and children by this "eternal victim."
The whole world is witnessing the mass slaughter of women and children by this eternal victim.
Even the New York Times reported on the Jews going out to watch children getting bombed while cheering and eating popcorn.
Even the New York Times reported on the eternal victim going out to watch children getting bombed while cheering and eating popcorn.

All it takes is for a person to ask the question “what if this is wrong?  What if I’ve been lied to?” and the whole thing goes down.  The Jew’s evil deeds have all been done in public, only shrouded by their ability to remain unquestioned.  Once the question is asked, we can see them everywhere, behind every evil deed which has been done in the last hundred years.

The question is not “will the Jew be exposed?”  The Jew is already exposed, and sooner or later, the people will acknowledge it.

The question is “will the people see what has happened before it is too late to save civilization?”