The Massacre Continues: Anglin Trends on Twitter After Laying Down the Law of Sex


Things on Twitter escalated as I held my ground against an extreme army of old, unattractive women with low fertility.

I love unattractive old women with low fertility, just as I love everyone, because I am a Christian – but I will not be bullied.

I began the second wave of my TOTAL ASSAULT on old, unattractive women with low fertility by tipping my hat to the haters, who are only able to think in sexualized language.

Despite the ridiculousness of the attacks, I found it funny to give a reply.

That was a fitting warm-up before the slaughter truly began.

You’d think that would settle things.

Oh, but they kept on coming…!

But I was ready.

I’m always ready. 

(To be fair, after I posted that, I realized I would vote for such a man. But you get my point.)

Many began to realize that the persecution I am suffering from old, unattractive women with low fertility for my defense of family values was predicted in the Bible by none other than Jesus Himself.

The question was then poised: why do women defend a system which creates widespread unhappiness among women?

Everyone knows feminism ruins the lives of all men. Women just don’t care about that at all. But it also ruins the lives of women – perhaps significantly worse than it ruins men’s lives, in terms of the perception of it.

First, it was necessary to show that this system does indeed create unhappiness.

But they want more sources!

Are there more sources???

There are more sources!

Half-way through the battle, we started trending.

At time of writing, I’m still in the trenches.

One thing is clear: the people love me and stand with me as I take the Cross into the public square and bear witness to the righteousness of Christ and His followers.

Follow me on Twitter @WorldWarWang and join the battle for the Truth and Jesus.