The Science to Release Genetically Engineered Bacteria to Eat Carbon Dioxide from Air

Previously: Great Satan Literally Pulling Carbon Dioxide from Air in Goofy Evil Plot to Kill All Plant Life

I can’t keep talking about this.

Carbon dioxide is breathed by plants. It is the gas of life. You basically want as much of it as possible. It has such a tiny effect on the greenhouse effect that it cannot possibly change the weather in a significant way, and if it did, it would either not matter or be a good thing.

We don’t see a lot of people burning up. Like, this is the only recent photo I’ve seen of a guy burning up because it was so hot outside:

And honestly, I think that might have been photoshopped by these assholes from the Guardian.

The Guardian:

A microbe discovered in a volcanic hot spring gobbles up carbon dioxide “astonishingly quickly”, according to the scientists who found it.

The researchers hope to utilise microbes that have naturally evolved to absorb CO2 as an efficient way of removing the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. Ending the burning of fossil fuels is critical in ending the climate crisis, but most scientists agree CO2 will also need to be sucked from the air to limit future damage.

Wait, ending the burning of fossil fuels?

When did that change from “reducing” to “ending”? Did it literally just change right now?

What the hell does that even mean? Do these people know what electricity is?

The new microbe, a cyanobacteria, was discovered in September in volcanic seeps near the Italian island of Vulcano, where the water contains high levels of CO2. The researchers said the bug turned CO2 into biomass faster than any other known cyanobacteria.

In February the team also explored hot springs in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, US, where levels of CO2 are even higher. Those results are now being analysed.

The idea of using bacteria to capture CO2, potentially enhanced by genetic engineering, is an active research area. A recent review suggested that bacteria could produce useful chemicals, as well as trapping CO2, saying: “Using modified bacteria to manage CO2 has the added benefit of generating useful industrial byproducts like biofuels, pharmaceutical compounds, and bioplastics.”

Okay, so.



If, at some point, there was too much carbon in the atmosphere somehow – which I don’t really think is possible, but if that was possible – there would be solutions like this. There are endless possibilities of geoengineering on the horizon, if you wanted to go that way.

Even if you give the most charitable possible interpretation to the global warmers, they are talking about the immediate need to solve a problem that does not exist yet and may not ever exist.

It is just so very transparently a political agenda that has nothing to do with science and everything to do with all of these things they are planning to do to “solve” this problem they say might some day exist.

At this point, however, I’m started to wonder why, exactly, they are attempting to remove this carbon. Talking about it so you can push a political agenda is one thing, but actually doing it is something else altogether.

Maybe it’s just another money scam, but if they are actually trying to suck carbon out of the atmosphere at scale, they are attempting to make the earth uninhabitable for most forms of life.