The Truth is Not Important to Conservative Leaders – They are Anti-Christ

It was very obvious that all these sleazebag conservatives were going to fink on Donald Trump the first chance they got.

Sean Hannity is no better than Mitch McConnell or Marco Rubio. He’s going to tell you that the most important thing in the world is removing Vladimir Putin from office and installing an extremist anal government in Russia.

If you tell Hannity there’s a fisting going down on a child tranny, he’s the type to say “America is the single greatest country on earth and the light unto the nations, so I trust that is going to be a double fisting.”

After the innocent boy only gets a single fist, he will then say: “the Democrats have done it again, bringing shame down on our nation as a brave trans girl was only able to receive one fist. In this socialist economy of Joe Biden and the tax-and-spend Democrats, mothers can’t even afford for their trans daughters to get a double fisting. Tell me again who the transphobes are, Democrats?”

I’m serious. In the next few months, you’re going to hear those exact sentences from this guy.

He’s already doing this:

Seriously – what the hell do “conservatives” think when they see this guy doing a serious interview with a boomer in high heels? Why do they think they’re not going to get wiped out like Sodom and Gomorrah?

This week, it was revealed that Hannity, giving testimony for a lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Machines, said that he “never once” believed that the 2020 election was a hoax.

This is moronic, as everyone knows the election was a complete farce. I actually don’t think that Dominion was responsible for the fraud, as it was all done through mail-in ballots (maybe some of the Dominion machines were hacked, but that would be a trivial element of the election theft). There is just no possible way to claim that this election could have been real after looking into the way ballot-harvesting works – not to mention the absurdity at 40,000 feet, where we’re supposed to believe Biden got 81 million votes.

If you say you believe this you are either really stupid or you’re a liar – Hannity is both. It was very, very stupid for Donald Trump to endorse all of these slimebag conservatives, who are all first and foremost shills for the Jews. Trump could have destroyed Hannity outright by refusing to engage with him – he could have found a real loyalist talk show host to do business with. Instead, he made Hannity more powerful so that Hannity could betray him even harder.

These conservatives all want to go back to business as usual – starting and losing wars for the Jews, copying the Democrat program from 5 years ago and attacking the Democrats for moving too fast with their global anal agenda. When Mitch McConnell says “we all agree” that the Ukraine is the most important thing on earth, he is speaking for all of the conservative politicians and media personalities.

The only people who don’t think the Ukraine is the most important thing in the world are people like Tucker Carlson and Josh Hawley, and they just say we need to focus on a war with the Chinese. A war with the Chinese would at this point obviously also include Russia, so it doesn’t really even make sense what they’re asking for. Again – either they’re stupid or they’re liars.

The entire political system is a farce, but I don’t think you can really say that the people are not at least partially responsible. It is one thing to believe stupid lies that you don’t have the intelligence to analyze – such as believing that the Ukraine is a democracy and an innocent victim of Russian aggression. It is another thing entirely to nod your head while Sean Hannity endorses Bruce Jenner or Tucker Carlson promotes so-called anal marriage.

If you go along with that, you’re not being tricked – you’re willingly endorsing evil. People might not know about Zelensky swearing to put NATO nukes on Russia’s border, they might not know that the Ukies killed 15,000 innocent people in the Donbass between 2014 and 2022, they might not have seen the various torture videos – but they know that homosexuality is one of only three sins that cries out to Heaven for Vengeance.

They have no excuse.

Jesus and the Truth of Things

I think that when you consistently oppose obvious evil, such as homosexuality, God opens your eyes and you become more capable of seeing things such as the Ukraine fraud. If you’re low information and low IQ, you might not be able to analyze lies, but if you consistently make the right choice when you are presented with a moral question, you will start to develop an instinct when faced with lies that do not automatically have a clear moral weight. There are low IQ people who oppose the Ukraine hoax, and if you talk to them, more likely than not you will find that they are also highly moral, and unwilling to accept gay marriage “because at least it’s not as bad as trannies.”

I saw this mechanism in action analyzing the Christians that believe that Jews are the chosen ones. On its face, a person who was born stupid can’t go back through and look at the history of Christianity, and understand how blasphemous it is to call Jews the chosen ones. Therefore, the instinct might be to not hold these people accountable for promoting that heresy. However, when you start to look into these so-called “Judeo-Christians,” you will find that they also support divorce, they support sending women to university and into the workforce, they support many other forms of total evil.

The closer you get to the truth, the closer you get to the Christ. This was my personal journey: I wanted to know the truth, and the more accurate facts I learned, the more faithful I became. The opposite is also true: the more you stand up for Christian moral values, and don’t embrace the way of the world because it’s fashionable or easy, the more the truth reveals itself to you.

The people who seek truth find Jesus. Just so, you are going to have a very hard time finding someone who consistently stands up for Christian values who also believes stupid lies about the Ukraine or Jews being the chosen ones or any other moronic hoax.

The relationship between truth and Jesus is sort of like picking a lock in Fallout.

The screwdriver and the bobbypin move together until it clicks and the door opens.

You cross over the threshold to meet the next challenge.