The Virus Hoax was Suspended Because of the Ukraine Hoax, But the Same Agenda Marches Forward

The winter of 2022 did not happen as I’d expected. I expected that we would reach Australia-like levels of virus hysteria, with new and more extreme restrictions being put in place by the Biden Administration.

Some of what I expected happened – they did introduce a QR code across multiple cities, effectively locking down the unvaxed, they did reintroduce masks, they did fire most people who refused the vaccine. It was also revealed just weeks ago that there is an ongoing plan to implement a national electronic vaccine passport.

So, aspects of this agenda are still lurking in the background. But we have yet to reach the insane levels of virus mania that I expected (at least not in the US – Canada went there). In fact, we’ve seen a total reversal. The entire coronavirus narrative has disappeared from the media, and the governments of the West are mostly in the process of rolling back most of the main restrictions.

However, we now know why that never happened: the coronavirus hoax was wound down specifically for the purpose of rolling out this Russian hoax.

We can go back and look at it, and see the direct correlation – as the noise about the Russian hoax began to build up, we started hearing these statements from officials about how maybe coronavirus wasn’t really that serious. At the time, it was confusing hearing these statements, but as the noise of the beat of the drums of war increased, it became less and less confusing, to the point where it is now simply obvious: they switched out the hoax.

If it were not for the Ukraine situation, we would currently be hearing about the latest emerging new variant. That is an absolute fact of reality. There was never any chance these people were going to give up the control they gained during that virus hoax. So the only way the virus hoax was going to be suspended is if they were given a new hoax that allowed them to maintain their power, or to increase it.

A more aggressive virus narrative was actually being prepared at the same time that the Russian narrative was being built up and some authorities were winding down the virus scam. It was an amazing “speaking out of both sides of the mouth” phenomenon, where you had all these threats of new variants, while at the same time we were hearing that actually, the virus was not that big of a deal. The CDC gave a new announcement telling everyone to start wearing masks indoors again just weeks before telling everyone they were permitted to take them back off.

While various authorities and media were talking about ending restrictions, the head of Pfizer was saying that the vaccines had stopped working and that there were new vaccines coming, and Fauci was saying that Covid passports should be turned off if people didn’t have the booster, European countries were almost unanimously talking about forcing people to take the vaccine.

Basically, this entire system is not particularly well organized. They didn’t know if the Russia thing was going to happen or not, or at least how severe it would be, so they were preparing to take the virus narrative either way. “Leaving all options on the table,” as they would say.

The reason that you had to cancel the coronavirus narrative completely in order to push the Ukraine-Russia narrative is this idea of “mass formation psychosis.” The mass mind could not focus on two things at once, nor could the media. The media was the core driver of the coronavirus hoax, and they couldn’t drive that while doing 24/7 Ukraine coverage.

This was also written in a book by a famous Austrian painter. He said that the masses of people are incapable of focusing on multiple threats at once, and if you try to get them to, they will tune out or at least lose enthusiasm, so it is necessary when producing propaganda for mass consumption that you choose one enemy. Hitler obviously focused on the Jews. (To be clear, it was true that the Jews were the driving force behind the war, and that all of the countries attacking Germany were being directly manipulated by the Jews, but an intellectual could assess the fact that there were other dimensions and other factors involved – Hitler would certainly admit that, but didn’t put it in speeches or publications, because he understood that the masses needed to be focused on a single point).

The single point for the Western people in this war propaganda – in this war against the Western people – was coronavirus. For two straight years, that was virtually the only thing in the media. Virus and then vaccine obsession was the defining character of our society. But if you’re going to have a war with Russia, you need that to be the focus of people’s attention, so coronavirus was simply phased out, and now everywhere you look, everything is about Russia.

The media is now using the exact same techniques, the exact same energy, with which they pushed the coronavirus narrative to push the Russia hysteria narrative.

The Same Agenda

As the reader and much of the world is now aware, no major narrative that the media promotes is random. Everything that happens on the global stage, every narrative that is pushed, is part of a singular, overarching agenda for the planet earth. Everything is always moving in the same direction.

The key point to understand about what we are witnessing now is that while the coronavirus has been dropped as the focus of the mass mind, the elite have not given up any of the power that they seized during the coronavirus hoax. In fact, they have gained power, and have a clear path to consolidating it much further.

It would be impossible to list all of the various agendas that existed under the coronavirus hoax that are being intensified under this Russia hoax, but we can note a few of the big ones.

Censorship and Social Control

The corporate/government censorship machine increased the silencing of dissent massively during the coronavirus hoax, moving from censorship of political ideas to censorship of “misinformation.” Every single person disagreeing with the official narrative on the virus and the vaccines was censored. Even screenshots of CDC official statistics were banned as “disinformation.”

Under the Russia hoax, censorship has gone orbital. Any and all questioning of the war is being systematically banned. Russian media outlets were the first target, but any journalist who offers a differing opinion on the root causes of the conflict in the Ukraine is being censored. We’re also moving into a situation where just like anyone who questioned lockdowns, masks, or vaccines was a mass murderer, anyone who questions crippling sanctions that explode energy and food prices is a traitor.

Everyone who questions any element of this Russia agenda is going to be labeled a traitor and sanctioned by the state, both through censorship and other brutal measures.

Economic Damage to the Middle and Working Classes

A core aspect of the coronavirus hoax was shutting down small business and otherwise putting people out of work. Trillions of dollars were transferred from the middle and working classes to the ruling elite and the banking cartel.

The economic destruction is going to get a whole helluva lot worse under this Russia hoax. We’ve already seen $7 a gallon gas, and that is going to double or triple.

Rising energy prices raise the price of everything. A farmer who appeared on Tucker Carlson last week said that grocery bills could rise $1,000 a month for the average family due to the block on the import of Russian fertilizer.

Societal Collapse

The economic pressure is going to continue the collapse of society. It is going to continue the destruction of families by divorce, increase domestic abuse, increase substance abuse and deaths of despair.

Whereas the coronavirus hoax put people out of work and kept them locked in their home because of the threat of spreading this alleged virus, the gas prices alone are going to make it so people can’t leave their houses. No one other than the rich are going to have the money to engage in normal social activities, and anyone who drives to work is going to be losing money on the drive to work, and would be better off going on welfare and staying inside, doing drugs or beating up their wife and kids.

As we’ve said many times, the goal is to get the populations huddled in these mid-rise tenement apartments that we’ve all seen going up in every major American city, living off of some form of digital “universal basic income” credit system. They do not want people to have families or financial independence. They want a society of isolated individuals living off of the state.


We saw clearly the emergence of a new global order to fight the alleged virus, with all of these different countries working from the same playbook. However, though this was documented – with all of these governments taking cues from Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum – it was presented by the media as if these national governments were all making independent decisions.

With the Russia hoax, they don’t even have to be coy about the fact that all actions of Western governments are being centrally planned – they have to be open about it, because of the rising threat of Russia and their Chinese allies. That is the nature of a war alliance – nations have to cooperate to plan responses. So the agenda to unite the world under a single banner, fighting a single enemy, doesn’t even have to be veiled in any way.

Just as coronavirus was an excuse for anything, the threat of Russia will be used as an excuse for everything, and they will be very open about “international cooperation” on a “unified path forward” to “protect global democracy.”

War Power

A completely new element of the agenda is added in the form of massive funding for war, and the grabbing of all the various war powers. That is true with or without open war between the West and Russia, as this current conflict is already framed as a proxy war. Among other things, due to unified Republican support for the Russia agenda (something that the virus agenda was losing), this new situation allows for the Democrats to lose the upcoming elections, and yet have the government continue to be united around a single narrative that forwards the globalist agenda.

You’re already seeing this massive military build-up, and you’re going to see all of the elements of the militarization of society emerging. This includes the potential for martial law and everything else, but most importantly, it will be a lot more successful in rallying the entire population around the decaying elite class and their global agenda.

The coronavirus was a big scary thing for a lot of people. Probably, the threat of a nuclear war is scarier to people generally, and also scarier to a larger percentage of people. I watched much of the Sunday news shows, and these people are all basically foaming at the mouth for continued escalation, and with every escalation on the war front, there is going to be an escalation of domestic power to be used against the population.

Viruses and Global Warming are Still Very Much in Play

The virus hoax hasn’t disappeared completely. There is no way they are going to give up on the digital ID system, which they were already talking about integrating into some kind of personal carbon credit system in order to change the weather.

These three issues of war, global warming, and viruses are all on the table, and are all going to be used as they are needed to push through this world transformation.

Right now, the Biden Administration is backing off of all its “green energy” gibberish just as it is backing off of its coronavirus gibberish. Does anyone think that the global warming agenda is going to disappear forever because of the war in the Ukraine? I don’t think so. So why then would the virus agenda disappear forever?

It is all part of the mega-hoax.

(If all else fails, they’ll stage a fake space alien contact event. I’m not joking.)

There was Never a Riskier Time for the Elite

One thing to understand is that these people ruling us understand that there has never been a riskier time for their agenda. I think they knew that Russia was going to invade the Ukraine, but it appears they thought Putin would only seize eastern territories. So they’ve already been taken off-guard, and they’re now facing another major humiliation on the global stage.

Remember: this is being run by the same people who ran the Afghan surrender operation.

At any time, China could liberate Taiwan, which would be the final signal you needed that the empire is on the verge of complete collapse.

This is all incredibly risky. The coronavirus hoax was risky enough, but this push for a global confrontation with Russia and China is a helluva lot riskier.

A Botched Plan Being Implemented Hastily

My assessment of the global situation is that in the 1970s through the 1990s, when much more competent people were running this agenda, the consensus was reached that building up the economy of China would result in the integration of China as a part of the “global community.” Some voices (which I’ve gone into detail about in my various book recommendation lists) disagreed with this and warned that the whole thing could backfire. Samuel P. Huntington was one of the more notable global chess players who warned that China could become a modern society and retain traditional values, which would obviously prevent integration (global integration is against every culture’s traditional values). But the governments of the world went ahead with the “Chimerica” plan anyway, believing that they could use China as a production machine and that the rise in the country’s average standard of living would push them towards feminism, homosexuality, and a general abandonment of their traditional identity as a people, which would compel them to “integrate.”

All of the people who planned this New World Order are dead or in their 90s and out of the game (with the notable exception of George Soros). Yet, the current, much less competent elite appears to be going ahead with the plans laid out by these people, having not factored in that a very important core assumption – the submission of China to “global democracy” – has proved wrong.

Virtually everything on the television about the Ukraine-Russia conflict is a lie. Everything that is said is on par with the Ghost of Kiev or Snake Island. But occasionally, one of these news outlets says something that is absolutely true, and absolutely fundamental to what is happening right now: Russia would not be able to do what they are doing if it were not for assurances from China.

Without the alliance with China, Russia would be easily defeated. Frankly, if China had integrated ten or fifteen years ago in the way that it was expected they would, Russia wouldn’t even exist in its current form. They certainly would not be grabbing territory while the West sits back and whines about it.

For this New World Order/Great Reset agenda to work, both Russia and China have to capitulate. Basically, this comes down to two men, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, holding back the formation of a global government slave grid, mass population reduction, and pedophile transhumanist invasion of outer space.

If you go through and read globalist books, you run into this term borrowed from Hegel: “historical necessity.” The capitulation of Russia and China is a historical necessity for this plan that is being implemented.

I don’t believe that the current masters are interested in a nuclear war, or any form of large scale war with Russia and China. However, they are in a rush, because the trigger has already been pulled – the coronavirus was the trigger to bring in a new conception of human existence, and now the race is on to bring this beast to life. That means that those pulling the strings are willing to walk all the way up to an open war, as they push for removing Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping from power, and replacing their governments with “democracy.”

The plan, vaguely, is to take out Russia and then take out China. If you take out Russia, China is totally isolated, and doesn’t really have many options. I’ve played through all of these various scenarios in my head, and although people I respect have said that the Western concept of the New World Order is not completely off the table just yet, I personally don’t see any way the Western rulers can pull this off.

If Russia was alone, it could be taken out. The West could bankrupt the country and then force a color revolution coup. But China is simply too nationalistic, too alien to the “values of democracy,” and too protected from external Western influence, that a social transformation is not possible. Even after decades of Western occupation, most people in Taiwan are still against “the values of democracy” (a term which effectively means “feminism and homosexuality”). Taiwan had a supermajority opposed to homosexual marriage, and the government just went ahead and forced it on them because they are an occupied country, and the US demanded it. Forcing gay marriage has increased support for reunification with the mainland (but they’re not allowed to vote on that).

It should be noted that along with being less competent than the previous generation of global chessboard masterminds, the current elite is much more decadent, depraved, and bizarre, and therefore I think much more cowardly. This means that the possibility exists that they could end up simply backing down on the global stage and turning their aggression inward against the populations of their own countries. That is pretty much the only possible recalibration at this point – full surrender to a world dominated by a Chinese merchant empire. If it becomes obvious that the West cannot win this mounting global confrontation, I’m not sure that a bunch of decadent perverts would be willing to risk getting annihilated in order to go on a kamikaze mission in the name of “democracy values.” If they surrendered, they would still be able to live out their lives in decadence.

However, I think that cowardice is counterbalanced by a hubris, a total disconnect from reality, and to some extent sheer stupidity. Watching these people on the Sunday talk shows wax casually about nuclear war, saying basically, “oh well, if Putin fires nukes, we can just fire nukes back at him,” you can see that they have become unhinged to the point where it may be impossible for them to understand the gravity of this situation. The concept that they could ever lose global hegemony may be more than they are capable of grasping.

One thing is very clear: whether they back down or they push through and stumble into some kind of world war, the outcome is going to be very bad for the average Westerner, particularly the urbanite.

Stay Free

You don’t have any control over any of this. None of us do. The wheels are now in motion, the machine has been turned on, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. You’re not going to protest or vote your way out of this.

On some level, I support taking part in elections, simply because if America does enter into some form of collapse, people who hold public office are naturally going to be looked to as leaders, because that is the way the human psyche works.

However, politics should not be anyone’s focus. Everyone’s focus needs to be on how they are going to deal with this on a personal level.

Regardless of the fact that we didn’t go full Australia over coronavirus, the cities are continuing to fall into depravity, decay and oppression. This pincer move of government and police crackdowns on the population, combined with allowing (effectively promoting) violent crime from minorities, is not going to slow down.

So, my advice remains the same: get out of these cities. Nuclear war is now on the menu, apparently, so that should be reason enough. Even if your city doesn’t get nuked, if we actually go into a nuclear war, every city is going to have fully militarized police and martial law, presumably cooperating with cannibal gangs.

There is a risk of being too tuned in to this global situation. That might sound counterintuitive coming from me. I think you should be aware of what is going on, and not drop out completely from the news cycle, but your personal focus needs to be on ensuring your own survival, and that of your family.

I believe that most of us who take care of ourselves will live to see a better future. I don’t think it is that far away. The end of the empire will be the beginning of something new and much better. But it is certainly going to be a very hard road, and we all need to be prepared for very hard times. The only way to do this, short of going and living in a cabin in the woods and hunting rabbits and foraging for mushrooms, is to get out of the big city and integrate yourself into a local community.