Three US-Canada Border Crossings Now Blocked by Truckers


This seems easier than it should have been.


Access to three border crossings in Michigan, North Dakota and Montana have been cut off by truckers and like-minded demonstrators on the Canadian side of the border who are protesting Covid-related restrictions.

To address the ongoing issue, the Canadian government announced Thursday it would send additional officers and resources to protests throughout the country.

“The plan is to make sure police have all the resources they need,” said Marco Mendicino, the public safety minister. “Our top priority is to make sure that these illegal blockades end.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said late Thursday the blockades were “hurting jobs, businesses, and our country’s economy.”

For two weeks now, the trucks have blockaded the downtown core of Ottawa, the capital of Canada. In recent days, demonstrators have parked their bulky vehicles in the middle of critical roadways between Canada and the US.

Thursday marked the fourth day protesters impeded access to the Ambassador Bridge, which connects Detroit and Windsor — the busiest international crossing in North America.

Secondly, a mix of semi-trailers and farm equipment shut down the border crossing connecting Emerson, Manitoba, and Pembina, North Dakota, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Manitoba. And thirdly, the Coutts access point between Alberta and Montana has also been blocked.

It’s really rich to hear the people who totally destroyed the economy with their moronic coronavirus hoax claiming that this is “bad for the economy.”

That’s like the Bind-Torture-Kill rapist showing up at a woman’s rights protest and crying.

But hey – these people are going to have to do something.

The communists are calling for the workers to be violently put down by the military.

I’m not going to comment on communists demanding the US military put down a working class strike, because I think we already talk enough about that.

But I think this particular communist is a little bit confused about the logistics of using *checks notes* helicopters to move semitrucks.

But hey – someone is going to have to do something!

I don’t think that the ZOG is just going to offer an unconditional surrender and put anti-vaxer truckers in charge of North America.

That said, if they had any plan at all, I think we would have begun to see it unfolding.

If I were them, I would do multiple false flags involving fake truckers doing mass shootings. I don’t really see any route forward other than the false flag route.

These people are getting brutalized by these trucks.

The only other thing I can imagine is trying to contact the Decepticons and get them to start some kind of protracted war with the trucks.