Top Biden Official: Miami Condo Collapse was Caused by Global Warming

When I saw The Guardian headline reading “Miami condo collapse prompts questions over role of climate change,” I thought “haha, of course – that rascally Guardian.”

But it’s not just The Guardian.

Joe Biden’s Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, came out and blamed global warming for the Florida condo collapse.

She appeared this week on CNN’s New Day and said that the rising tides caused by global warming likely caused the building to collapse.

She said it was from “rising sea levels,” which doesn’t make any basic sense if you just think about it for 2 seconds.

Global warmers are claiming sea levels are rising by millimeters. Firstly, I don’t think anyone is claiming that there was water rising up to the base of the building. Secondly, a 12-story condo building this close to the beach should have steel-reinforced concrete foundational piles that go sixty feet underground.

(It’s possible the Jew construction company didn’t go deep enough with the piles, which could have led to load-bearing beams above ground leaning.)

Thirdly: the foundation isn’t what collapsed. Load-bearing beams that are above ground are what caused this collapse, as you can tell by looking at the footage of the collapse.

One or more beams gave out, shifting the load to the other beams which couldn’t hold it. This happened over a period of years (hence the claim that a full 9 years ago, structural repairs were ordered and never happened).

I’m not an engineer, by the way, so I’m fine if someone wants to try to correct me on some detail here – but no one is going to explain any possible way that a rising sea level would cause this building to collapse. There is simply no way that any single engineer made that claim, meaning that someone who is not an engineer came up with it, and that was good enough for a Joe Biden cabinet member to go on television and lodge this speculation.

If she had made this comment in my house, I would have pointed her to my bisexual couch.

But the apparent reality is that some people do believe her.

The other reality is that it doesn’t matter if anyone believes her, because she’s from the government, and is supported by the media, meaning she is able to dictate the terms of reality itself.

Someone pointed out that it could actually have been white supremacy responsible for the collapse.

If I was still allowed on Twitter, I would suggest that maybe the building’s rebar had been infected with the deadly Delta version of the coronavirus, as one of the symptoms is a loss of strength.

Meanwhile, the best take is that John McAfee had a unit in the condo where he kept his servers.

The media is of course saying “no evidence” – but of course, there wouldn’t be any evidence.

Florida is more extreme than Texas in terms of hardcore right-wing policy, and you can basically figure out a way to secretly own property through offshore LLCs.

I see no evidence that John McAfee DIDN’T own a property in this building, which collapsed inexplicably the same day he died in prison.

But the most likely thing is the most obvious thing: this is a building built by Jew criminals. Consulting engineers Brieterman Jurado & Associates and architects William M. Friedman & Associates were both involved in scandals regarding building codes, according to the New York Post – and then managed by Jewish slumlords, who had Mexicans doing the maintenance.

A cheap condo building in a swamp needs regular scheduled maintenance. A cheap condo building that is 40 years old – this one was built in 1981 – either needs to be torn down or totally refurbished, with all load-bearing elements reinforced.

Condos are a generally stupid idea, because of the fact that no one wants to pay the condo agency and it is probably run by some Jew who is going to embezzle the money anyway by hiring Mexicans to do minor aesthetic repairs while the load-bearing structures collapse beneath you. You have to have a really high-trust, Japanese-style society to make it feasible for hundreds or thousands of people to own units in a single building.

I was not at all shocked when this building came down, and I’ve actually been expecting this sort of thing to start happening sooner.

In fact, I’ve been predicting for years that everything is going to start collapsing all at once, as the country has become so brown so fast, and we’re going to hit a point where the infrastructure that was built by legacy Americans just starts failing on a mass scale.

I saw an article on Monday pointing out that it was the 38th anniversary of the Manus River Bridge Disaster on I-95 in Maryland.

That was considered one of the worst infrastructure disasters of the 20th century, and only 3 people actually died.

Over the next decade, buildings and bridges are just going to start falling down everywhere.

Fake President Joe Biden is saying he’s going to plan a massive multi-trillion infrastructure project, but all of the money is going toward brainwashing children into becoming trannies, building useless wind farms, and closing the gender pay gap by giving women free money for work they didn’t do.

If they do try to fix infrastructure, they will hire all female teams, or all black teams, or whatever.

The reason you hate all of this diversity stuff is not simply because it is disgusting – you have a visceral reaction to it because it is instinctively clear that a civilization cannot possibly be sustained on these grounds.