Trump: “I Listened to Putin Constantly Using the N-Word”

Had to do that to you in the headline.

When I saw the headline myself, I thought Donald Trump was disavowing Vladimir Putin as a racist.

For anyone who hasn’t been to Russia – if you say “black people in my country,” they will reply “do you mean niggers?” quite innocently. “Black people” is just translated to “niggers” in Russian. It’s probably as much to do with exposure to rap music as racism, frankly – I mean, this is how blacks refer to themselves.

Though Russians are also pretty racist, just because they don’t have political correctness, and everyone who doesn’t have political correctness forced on them is going to tend to be at least mildly racist.

But no – Trump was talking about the word “nuclear.”

Though he obviously knew it was funny to say “n-word.” He is still funny. That’s the only positive thing I have left to say about this guy at this point after that vax hoax he did.

I will never forgive or forget that vax thing.

Anyway, Trevor Noah came out and said that Trump would be doing a better job than Biden.

I don’t think most people know who Trevor Noah is, so he might have just said that to get in headlines. But we are definitely starting to feel the tingles of a “maybe Trump wasn’t actually that bad” sentiment. Along with Biden’s failures, I would say that the longer the distance from the Trump hysteria, the less evil he is going to seem to these people.

It is going to be hard for them to run against Trump in 2022, as they were apparently planning to do. But it doesn’t really matter, because it is a uniparty, and Republicans are going to run on “we will do a better war” and then when they win, you will get a worse war.

Far from wanting to fix the economy, Republicans are literally out there saying that the same sanctions against Russia should be applied to China.

This will finish off whatever is left of the American economy, and basically push the country into a cannibalism type scenario.

Marco Rubio has been calling for sanctions on China over repression of Islamic terrorism or neo-Nazi rimjobs or whatever for years.

Rubio is where the party is stationed right now, and Donald Trump is just a goofy mascot for a lunatic neocon agenda.

Aside from Marjorie Taylor Greene and a couple of other House members – Madison Cawthorn, presumably Paul Gosar and Matt Gaetz (though I haven’t checked the former two) – the entire body of elected Republicans is calling for blood, worshiping the evil Jew dwarf on the soundstage in Tel Aviv and his army of neo-Nazis.

Even that weird faggot Josh Hawley has shown his true colors.

Revolver News went through this in a very short article this week.

It’s the Sean Hannity “blood-drinker” party now.

All of the neocons had migrated to the Democrat Party because of Trump. But now that Trump’s balls have been snipped and he does nothing but shuck and jive to try to get people to pay attention to him, the neocons can safely return to their home in the OG war party and continue this bizarre spectacle of fighting with Russia and China to establish a New World Order.

It’s all so tiresome.