Trump Takes Victory Lap After Robert Mueller Elderly Abuse Fiasco

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 25, 2019

It is shocking and appalling that the Democrats were not aware that the elderly abuse fiasco that was the Robert Mueller testimony would sink their caboose.

But maybe they were aware of it. Maybe they just wanted to bring out this last stupid distraction as the very last squeeze of this hoax.


“Robert Mueller did a poor job, but in all fairness to him, he had nothing to work with,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn on Wednesday following the disastrous hearing. “The performance was obviously not very good, he had a lot of problems. But what he showed more than anything else is that this whole thing has been three years of embarrassment and waste of time for our country.”

“Everybody knew it was a hoax, especially the Democrats,” the president continued, savaging the probe that “destroyed people’s lives” over “a total witch hunt” and predicting electoral catastrophe for the party. “I think they’ve hurt themselves very badly for 2020.”

“The Democrats had nothing, and now they have less than nothing.”

“But I know them too well – they’ll never give up. They’ll go back into the room and they’ll try and figure something out,” Trump predicted. “This whole thing has been collusion – with the media, with other countries… This has been a disaster for the Democrats.”

I guess it must feel good to be Trump right now.

What doesn’t feel good is to be an American who voted for Trump and know that an entire 2.5 years of his presidency was wasted on this. That is a shocking and painful revelation.

Trump has done absolutely nothing, and he is able to legitimately blame these people and this nonsensical spy drama they invented for the fact that he didn’t do anything.

It is all very sad.