Trump Visits East Palestine, Hands Out Food and Bottled Water

These are very good optics, whatever your views on Donald Trump.

The optics rating was multiplied by 10x by the fact that Joe Biden refuses to even mention East Palestine, and instead of visiting those people the government poisoned with gas, he went to Kiev to support a man who uses poison gas.

Biden is team gasser. Trump is the anti-gasman.

New York Post:

Former President Donald Trump handed out bottles of “Trump Water” to residents of East Palestine, Ohio on Wednesday, claiming they had been “betrayed” by President Biden’s handling of the toxic train derailment in their community.

The 76-year-old Republican showed up with 13 pallets of the Trump-branded spring water — totaling 14,000 bottles — amid fears the Feb. 3 derailment and controlled burn of toxic chemicals had contaminated the air and drinking supply.

We’re bringing thousands of bottles of water — Trump Water … We have it in trucks and we brought some in my plane… You’re going to have plenty of water for a long time,” he told a crowd at the local firehouse, roughly half a mile from the derailment site.

Donning his trademark “Make America Great Again” hat, Trump also vowed to provide food and cleaning supplies — and insisted to residents: “You are not forgotten.”

We stand with you … we pray for you, and we’ll stay with you in your fight to help answer and [get] accountability that you deserve,” Trump said.

Trump, who has recently launched his 2024 White House bid, also ripped into his successor during the visit, telling residents: “In too many cases, your goodness and perseverance were met with indifference and betrayal.”

What this community needs now are not excuses and all of the other things you’ve been hearing, but answers and results.”

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung added to Breitbart News: “President Trump is meeting with the citizens of East Palestine and he will never forget them and what they are going through. Contrast that with Biden and the federal government, who have failed them from the beginning.”

Before he left, Trump visited a local Mcdonald’s and bought meals for firefighters and first responders and was swarmed by local people from the town, to whom he handed out MAGA hats.

In a video from inside the restaurant, he can be heard saying: “[They’re systematically destroying our country and it’s a shame. And Buttigieg should have been here.”

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has also been slammed for not showing up earlier in East Palestine, announced Wednesday he’d finally be visiting East Palestine on Thursday.

It’s so funny he gave them his own branded bottled water.

That is an epic Trump move.

I’ve lost all hope that Trump is going to come back with a 2016 fury, but given that nothing else is really going on, I do hope he delivers a few EPIC LULZ.

His McDonald’s visit was amazing.

You notice you never see Joe Biden in a McDonald’s.

Biden’s idea of appealing to the working class is driving around in a $90 antique sports car while snacking on French paté and snails.