Turkey Demands Explanations After the Ukraine Calls for Sanctions Against Turkish Companies

Turkey is doing a good job playing the oaf to Russia’s straight man.


Ankara has requested “explanations” from Ukraine over what Turkish media described as a campaign calling for sanctions against Turkish companies, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday. Turkish diplomats took steps to clarify the situation “both in Kiev and Ankara,” the foreign minister told journalists.

Cavusoglu confirmed that Turkey is aware of an extensive Ukrainian campaign targeting not “just Turkish companies,” but over 18,000 individuals and entities from various parts of the world, including the US and EU, over their supposed ties with Russia. However, it is “our companies that interest us,” he added.

The foreign minister’s comments came one day after Turkish newspaper Aydinlik drew attention to a website apparently “affiliated with the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs” that lists individuals and entities it wants sanctioned over their alleged dealings with Russia.

The Turkish government “requested clarifications” from the Ukrainian ambassador to Ankara and the government in Kiev on September 11, the paper reported.

“Considering our existing strategic partnership, solidarity and cooperation with Ukraine, it’s expected that Turkish individuals and organizations won’t be targeted by sanctions,” a diplomatic source told Aydinlik.

The ‘War & sanctions’ website, which describes itself as “the main database of sanctions imposed over Russia’s attack on Ukraine,” says it is supported by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and the National Agency on Corruption Prevention. It also features lists of companies and individuals “that have already been subjected to sanctions” and those who “are yet to be subjected to sanctions.”

I’m getting sort of exhausted by Ukraine Democracy War news.

How about you, reader?