Twitter Responds to #TransRacial Rachel Dolezal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2015

Twitter users are taking a variety of different positions on the new and now issue of transracailism.

Both #TransRacial and #WrongSkin were trending following the outing.

Salon apparently made a serious tweet supporting the concept.

It’s a good move. If this doesn’t go through, the whole “race as a social construct” business falls apart completely. As does Bruce Jenner.

Blacks are more angry about this than women are about Bruce Jenner (women don’t seem to be angry at all about Bruce Jenner). Proving the uncomfortable fact that Blacks are race haters of their own people born in the wrong skin.

They are also proving that they don’t themselves believe the idiocy about race being a “social construct.”

At least Melissa Harris-Perry had the nerve to embrace it.

This Rachel Dolezal is the gift that keeps on giving.

I don’t see any end in sight.