UK: Bizarre Accusations of “Neo-Nazi Hate Camps” Emerge in the Jew Media

Daily Slave
November 10, 2014

It looks to me that these guys mean business.

The Daily Star has published an incredibly biased and unprofessional article about groups of young patriotic British men who desire to put the interest of their race and nation first.  These young men with nationalist political ideologies are apparently attending training camps that provide military and physical training.

Just read the tone of the first few sentences of the article.

Daily Star:

The yobs are being drilled in unarmed combat and fighting using knives and assault rifles.

And they are being brainwashed in bizarre rituals by Hitler-loving fanatics.

Anti-terror police are monitoring the Sigurd Legion mob amid fears they are using the camps to prepare for a wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks.

The leader of the racist radicals is fitness instructor and author Craig Fraser.

In August he took an army of nationalists to the Brecon Beacons in Wales and schooled them in violence and hate.

Winter camps are planned for this month and January.

One nut who went to the camp told the Daily Star ­Sunday: “We have a true desire to put the interest of our race and nation first.”

Yes, it is totally evil that there are young British men who want to stay fit while preserving their race and nation before a bunch of subversive Jewish parasites and Muslim invaders.  Give me a break.  If the British government kept all the Muslims out of their nation and weren’t constantly doing what a bunch of Jews want them to do, then this type of phenomenon probably wouldn’t be happening.

National Action apparently has an affiliation with these training camps.  These aren’t hate camps – this is a positive development, as the British youth have had enough of what’s happening in their country.