UK Cracks Down on Foreign Criminals, Orders Deportation of Vicious French Holocaust Denier

Vincent Reynouard

The Jews are committing a genocide against Palestinians, and the whole world stands by and does nothing at all.

Meanwhile, in France, they do international witch hunts against you and put you in prison for claiming that the genocidal Jews, who lie about committing a genocide while doing it right in front of you, weren’t totally honest about events that happened 80 years ago in Germany.

The Guardian:

A Holocaust denier who was arrested in a Scottish fishing village will be extradited back to France after spending two years on the run from the authorities.

Vincent Reynouard lost his extradition battle after his arrest in November 2022. He had been discovered living a double life in Anstruther, Fife, where he worked as a private tutor, according to reports.

Reynouard, 54, was remanded in custody while French authorities launched an extradition bid, citing videos in which he allegedly denied the existence of gas chambers in concentration camps, PA Media reported.

Did they go ahead and prove that there were gas chambers there?

I’ve been waiting a while for proof, and I don’t think it’s really fair to keep sending people to prison for saying there is no proof while you refuse to provide proof.

A domestic warrant issued by a French court referred to seven videos made between September 2019 and April 2020, including one in which he allegedly described the Nazi atrocities as “crude slanders” and another where he spoke of “the Jewish problem”.

The alleged offences include “public trivialisation of a war crime” and “public challenge to the existence of crimes against humanity committed during the second world war”.

Holocaust denial has been a criminal offence in France since 1990, and Reynouard has been convicted on previous occasions, including being given prison sentences in November 2020 and January 2021.

After a hearing at Edinburgh sheriff court in October last year, Sheriff Christopher Dickson said the YouTube videos were “beyond the pale of what is tolerable in our society” and were a breach of the Communications Act. He ruled that extradition could go ahead.

Reynouard challenged the extradition but his application for leave to appeal was refused. A written judgment by Lord Carloway at the court of appeal, issued on Friday, said extradition “cannot be regarded as disproportionate” and that “any reasonable person” would be offended by the videos.

He said the criminality involved in sharing offensive videos online was “one of relative seriousness judged by Scottish standards”.

The judgment said: “The videos were, taken at their highest, racist denials of the existence of the Holocaust and other war crimes.”

“Taken at their highest” appears to be a very strange translation.

However, I am now on-board with that phrase, and will begin implementing it at scale.

Taken at their highest, the Jewish claims that they were gassed to death hold about as much gas as their claims they were put on rollercoasters of death, forced to climb the Wall of Death, forced to climb trees which the Nazis chopped down while they were climbing, or had the colors of their eyes changed.

Shrunken heads, skin lampshades, human soap, hair mattresses, masturbation machines… I’ve not seen any evidence for any of these very strange allegations the Jews have made against the Germans.

At some point, Germany is going to have to sue these Jews for defamation.

Maybe some rando Britcucks will stop his deportation?