UK Facing Nursing Crisis, Tens of Thousands of Vacancies

As a shitlib, you might be thinking: “we will lose some healthcare workers who refuse the vaccine, but we’re going to be banning everyone getting the vaccine from receiving healthcare – so it will all balance out.”

Two problems with that:

  • Healthcare workers are refusing the vax at a much higher rate than the general population (no one can figure that out, but the only possible explanation is that healthcare workers are more likely to listen to QAnon disinformation from debunked websites), and
  • The people that take the vaccine are going to develop much more serious health problems, just in general, than people who didn’t take the vaccine. So you’re going to have a lot more people needing treatment for everything from heart problems to arthritis. (This is also a mystery, but is likely also caused by QAnon somehow.)

So, you’re going to have an issue.

The Guardian:

Ministers are being warned of a mounting workforce crisis in England’s hospitals as they struggle to recruit staff for tens of thousands of nursing vacancies, with one in five nursing posts on some wards now unfilled.

Hospital leaders say the nursing shortfall has been worsened by a collapse in the numbers of recruits from Europe, including Spain and Italy.

The most recent NHS figures reveal there are about 39,000 vacancies for registered nurses in England, with one in 10 nursing posts unfilled on acute wards in London and one in five nursing posts empty on mental health wards in the south-east.

The number of nurses from the European Economic Area joining the Nursing and Midwifery Council register has fallen more than 90%, from 9,389 in the year to 31 March 2016 to 810 in the year to 31 March 2021.

Thousands of nursing shifts each week cannot be filled because of staff shortages, according to hospital safe staffing reports seen by the Observer.

The prime minister, Boris Johnson, is already under pressure over worker shortages in the UK after Brexit, from lorry drivers to farm workers. Concerns among health bosses about the impact on patient care of acute staff shortages are revealed as experts warned last week that flu could kill up to 60,000 this winter.

NHS trusts are being paid by NHS England up to £7,000 for each vacant post to try to recruit nurses from overseas countries including India and the Philippines.

Patricia Marquis, England director for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), said: “There just aren’t enough staff to deliver the care that is needed, and we now have a nursing workforce crisis. We should never have got into a position where we were so dependent on international nurses. We are on a knife-edge.”

The really amazing part is that The Guardian managed to not mention the fact that these vacancies are due to health workers quitting as a result of the vaccine mandates.

Again, we see the problem of a society based on lies being increasingly incapable of functioning, given that all problems become impossible to talk about.

A system of lies is fine in a university setting, where it’s all a fantasy, and everything is theoretical. But when you transfer that system designed in the universities to the real world, you end up with crises that you’re not even allowed to explain, let alone solve.

So the only option really when facing a crisis in this world of lies is just look around for people to blame.

Of course, there is a solution to the healthcare problem, without addressing the cause: you bring in third worlders who are willing to take the vaccine.

A whole lot of third worlders are against the vaccine, and many would rather stay in their own countries than take it. But the reality is that the third world population is so big that there is no way the US and Europe won’t be able to manage the healthcare worker shortage crisis with immigration.

Of course, that will drastically reduce the quality of care – but who cares?

We’re not going to be allowed to be treated anyway!

Speaking of which, it’s probably worth your time to make friends with someone who knows how to do basic medical stuff. I expect when they lock down the internet permanently, they will go ahead and ban all of the material about home remedies.

(Note: we’ll still be online on the dark web, but you aren’t just going to be able to Google “natural cures for loose bowel syndrome.”