UK: Fury as Schools Told to Teach Islam Instead of British History

February 27, 2014

Schools have been told to stop teaching about the brothers wars and to start teaching about Islam instead.

BRITONS of all ages regard changes to the teaching of history as a massive mistake and an insult to the soldiers who died fighting for their country.

As the centenary of the First World War approaches, a new poll shows there is outrage that defining moments and figures in British history can be relegated below the rise of Islam and civilisations of West Africa and South America.

Eight out of 10 Britons oppose moves allowing schools to stop teaching about Britain’s role in the World Wars to concentrate on “world history”. Fewer than one in 10 thinks schools should be allowed to duck lessons on the sacrifices of millions of soldiers.

An Ipsos Mori poll found 82 per cent want the First World War to be taught, while 84 per cent believe the Second World War should be compulsory.

Islamic history has been given a higher status than our own history.

In the survey of 973 Britons aged 15 or over, only seven per cent thought it right not to make the two conflicts required topics. The new curriculum begins in September, weeks after the centenary commemoration starts.

Under it, teachers are only compelled to teach one of three history subjects – Benin in West Africa, early Islamic civilisation in Baghdad or the history of the Mayans in South America.

Chris McGovern, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, which commissioned the poll, said: “We have a responsibility to ensure that those who gave their lives in the World Wars are remembered.

“The decision about whether or not to teach about the two World Wars should not be left to the whim of individual teachers.”

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