UK Government Preparing Walk-In Vaccine Clinics for Kids Aged 12-15

ONE WAY ticket to Hell, kids.

Walk-in clinics, huh?

Seems like a good way for kid to bypass conspiracy mothers.

The Guardian:

Walk-in vaccine clinics for 12- to 15-year-olds are expected to be launched in England within weeks, to stem rising rates of Covid-19 infections within secondary schools.

Older teenagers in England can already attend walk-in clinics to receive their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine, with 56.5% of 16- to 18-year-olds now vaccinated. The expansion of the scheme to younger teenagers would bring England into line with Scotland, where 12- to 15-year-olds can also attend walk-in clinics.

In Wales, 12- to 15-year-olds are largely being vaccinated at vaccination centres, while in Northern Ireland, like England, the rollout is largely being conducted within schools.

The evidence shows that the numbers are being exaggerated.

But even if they’re not – Anglo countries peak at below 75%.

The highest is Canada, and I’m sure they’re lying.

No matter what, these governments are facing a situation where at least 1 in 4 remains pureblooded, and they are going to have to go more extreme against these people.