UK Health Workers Begin Largest Strike in NHS’ History Demanding Higher Pay

Health workers should all be in jail after what they did to us with that lockdown and vaccine scam.

I hope they all starve.


Health workers in Britain began their largest strike on Monday, as tens of thousands of nurses and ambulance workers walk out in an escalating pay dispute, putting further strain on the state-run National Health Service (NHS).

Nurses and ambulance workers have been striking separately on and off since late last year but Monday’s walkout involving both, largely in England, is the biggest in the 75-year history of the NHS.

Nurses will also strike on Tuesday, while ambulance staff will walk out on Friday and physiotherapists on Thursday, making the week probably the most disruptive in NHS history, its Medical Director Stephen Powis said.

Health workers are demanding a pay rise that reflects the worst inflation in Britain in four decades, while the government says that would be unaffordable and cause more price rises, and in turn, make interest rates and mortgage payments rise.

Around 500,000 workers, many from the public sector, have been staging strikes since last summer, adding to pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to resolve the disputes and limit disruption to public services such as railways and schools.

These are the same stupid whores who were out protesting in demand of endless lockdowns and forced vaccines.

Do you remember that? When the nurses were protesting in favor of lockdowns while also recording TikTok dance videos while they claimed trillions of people were dying every second?

The nerve of women is truly incredible.

The fact that they have no shame and no honor means that they are biologically incapable of having a positive impact on public life, and should be removed completely.

The only thing a woman is capable of caring about is herself. Period. That’s the end of the story.