UK: Jewish Hate Writer Targets Innocent White Advocate

Not Shadowbanned Yet
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2017

When will the Jewish hate machine be stopped?

The people of Manchester are awash in “wow just wow” and have lost their ability to “literally even” after an evil mean nasty baddie was found saying mean nasty things about their beloved brown invaders shortly after they had culturally enriched the attendees at an Ariana Grande concert.

(((Sarah Archibald))) writes for Hope Not Hate:

The day after the Manchester terror attack EDL supporters who descended on the city were sent packing by angry locals.

Down with this sort of thing!

Part and parcel of living in a cosmopolitan city.

As one Mancunian neatly and loudly put it: “The people of Manchester don’t stand with your xenophobia and racism.”

This is how we fight Islamic terrorism! Not by, you know, doing anything.

He claims his arrest was an outrage. He was just “trying to spread free thinking knowlage (sic) and make my presence know (sic) publicly in times of crisis.”

That was a close one! Almost had to present an actual argument there for a second.

[Editor’s note: How much would you bet that if it was a Negro making typos in his statement, that same writer would have fixed them up instead of underlining them?]

… proper Mancunians… had stood against him. Then the nasty policemen took him away.

Can you imagine thinking Manchester had something to do with family and history and your people going back generations? Every real proper manky bloke knows it’s about diversity and inclusion and stuff. And in a pluralistic diverse society, there’s no place for white scum like Morgan.

He turned up in the city sporting a Burzum tee-shirt. This hinted at his political affiliations. Burzum is the name under which Norwegian Nazi, church arsonist and murderer Varg Vikernes trades.

You need not dig much further to discover Elsby breathless adoration of fascism and National Socialism. His Facebook page makes for most disturbing reading. No doubt the security services have given it more than a once-over. He has lonely lupine written all over him.

We’re not alone in wondering what happened to turn Morgan into a full-on Nazi.

Jesus, the entire fucking “article” is like this.

Elsewhere on his Facebook he can be found denying the existence of the gas chambers and yet quoting the lyrics of a Hitler-idolising song.

Elsewhere he praises Mussolini for being able to produce a fascist tract that so easy to read.

Anyway, the low-effort kvetching goes on nonstop through the whole thing. (((Sarah))) posts dank memes from Morgan’s Facebook page, hoping to elicit shock and outrage from people who have been programmed their whole lives by academia and the media not to be shocked or outraged by anything:

Can you imagine? Truly, this makes little girls killed by nail-bombs seem like a stay at the park by comparison.

And then, to top it all off, she gives this bit of insight as to why Morgan Elsby’s political dissent being silenced is something his fellow Manchester Twats should be celebrating, rather than feeling like they were in some sort of mash-up of a George Orwell and Joseph Conrad novel:

Oh, thank God. For a second there I thought maybe he was right.

Anyway, (((Sarah))) manages to name the area of Manchester Morgan lives in four times in her short article, including in the title and picture captions. I’m sure she did this to better inform the public of important details, and for no other reason whatsoever.

On an unrelated note, please help support Andrew Anglin, who is going to court for allegedly inciting harassment by saying some people might want to make internet comments expressing their opinions.

When will Neo-Nazi White Supremacists like Morgan realize only one thing will help solve all this? More tolerance.

Who’s the real threat here? Peaceful Muslims just practicing their religion, or violent Neo-Nazi White Supremists like Morgan?