UK: Man Arrested With ‘Large Knife’ in Front of Westminster Cathedral

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2017

I wonder who could be behind this.

They are not releasing a name, description, or photo of the man arrested for carrying this weapon. It is safe to assume he is some kind of Moslem.


A man carrying a “large knife” was arrested outside Westminster Cathedral in central London on Wednesday, police said.

Officers patrolling the area adjacent to the Houses of Parliament spotted the man “acting suspiciously” in an “area known for anti-social behaviour”, Scotland Yard said in a statement.

The man “was found in possession of a large knife”, and officers then placed him under arrest.

The real takeaway here is that they are now referring to areas known for spontaneous enrichment as “areas known for anti-social behavior.”

If Islam is this strongly associated with “anti-social behavior,” then is adherence to Islam not an “anti-social behavior pattern”?

Also: How man of these “anti-social behavior” events have to happen per week before what is going on with these people is labeled a “war”?