UK: No White Children Allowed on School Trip to the Zoo

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 6, 2014

Stacey Smith with her daughter Lacey Shurmer outside St Mary’s C.E Primary School in Kidderminster, which banned all White children from going on a school trip.

White parents at a primary school in Kidderminster were hit with a hard dose of reality recently, when their children were banned from going on a school trip because they were White and could speak English.

The authorities tried to fob the parents off by saying that the trip was to help the foreign brats replacing their children to learn the national language, but the excursion was to a petting zoo full of animals.

The dismayed White children were forced to see the sight of the privileged colonizers being whisked off for a fun day out, while they had to stay at school in normal lessons.

Parents are now confused as to how they are supposed to teach their children about racism, when they are the ones who are the victims of it.

Hopefully, they will remember this incident as they grow up and not fall for the rest of the Anti-White lies they will be indoctrinated with.


St Mary’s C of E Primary School in Kidderminster, Worcs., laid on a petting zoo visit on Tuesday for non-English speaking pupils only, while pupils who did speak the language had to stay in lessons.Parents criticised the decision and said their children had been discriminated against for being British.

Children at the school smiling, before they started punishing them for being White and banning them from trips to the zoo.

Several even refused to allow their children to go to school on the day of the trip to Rays Farm, near Bridgnorth, Shrops., which was laid on at the taxpayers expense.

Others claimed they were not even told of the excursion until they spotted other pupils boarding the bus.

Sharon Savage, an ex-parent governor at St Mary’s, has two children, aged six and seven at the school.

She said the money spent on the trip – given to the school by Worcestershire County Council – was aimed at improving English speaking.

Sharon, 45, from Kidderminster, said: “All the other children who speak English were excluded from this trip.

My personal understanding to taking these children and their families on a trip to the farm was to help them with their English speaking, but why can’t they do something in the school.

“They could have put that money to greater use for the children and their families and not made our children feel discriminated against.”

Fellow mother Tracey Danby, 20, added: “I can’t see how going on a school trip can help their English language?

“I’m sure if the children were to remain in school with all the English-speaking children and actually participating in English subjects they would pick it up a lot quicker than being removed from English-speaking children and being taken on a school trip.”

Another parent, who asked not to be named, took her two children out of school after one of them told her she felt like she was punished for being able to speak English.

She said: “I bring my kids up not to be racist but the school has singled them out.

“Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and they banned non-English kids from going on a school trip.

“There would be uproar.

White children at Kidderminster being brainwashed into thinking they are lesser beings when compared to the other races.