UK Refuses to Give Much-Needed Steroids to Poor Male Souls Trapped in Female Bodies

These people need help!

Their souls are trapped in the wrong body by a malign supernatural entity, and the only way we can help them is to inject them with hormones!

Please, please help them!


On an October morning in the living room of a modest family home in this coastal town, Miles Pitcher, 17, received a message that would change his life.

It came from GenderGP, a private online health service that treats people suffering from gender dysphoria – the distress of identifying as a gender different from the one assigned at birth. The doctors had reviewed his case, the message said, and would prescribe the testosterone that would help Miles develop the facial hair, deeper voice, broader physique and other characteristics aligned with his gender identity. It would put an end to the menstrual periods he dreaded.

Miles gestured at his phone, speechless. He shook his head, and, beaming, showed the message to his mother as their pet dog Moose bounded around the room.

“Finally,” he said. “Something being done.”

Miles, assigned female at birth, has identified as male since he was 14. Yet until he got that message, he was stuck in limbo for three years, one of at least 8,000 young people in England and Wales waiting to receive gender care from the state-funded National Health Service (NHS) as of October, a Reuters review of NHS documents shows.

Miles Pitcher, 17, is one of the many male souls trapped in female bodies.

The UK government has promised to overhaul the youth gender care system, after it was deemed inadequate by England’s regulator of health and social care. Some clinicians had complained that England’s only state-run youth gender clinic was too quick to offer medical treatments to young people. And many families protested over the distressingly long wait for a first appointment – an average of nearly three years, a Reuters analysis of the clinic’s records found.

In July, the NHS said it would close the sole clinic, known as the Tavistock, next year and replace it by spring 2023 with regional centers to better accommodate a fast-growing patient population. Its plan calls for the centers to operate under new treatment guidelines, informed by the best available medical evidence for treating transgender adolescents and the most in-depth review of care conducted by any country.

But the reality is already falling short of those ambitions, creating new delays and uncertainties, according to Reuters interviews with transgender teens and their families as well as physicians and government officials involved. They described a deeply flawed system that is now hobbled by a toxic political climate around gender care.

Young people like Miles say their only option is to turn to private providers such as GenderGP, which is registered in Singapore and thus operates beyond the supervision of the NHS. The company says under-18-year-olds make up a growing portion of its UK patient population, with about 800 youth currently on its books.

“I wish we didn’t have to exist,” said Dr Helen Webberley, who founded GenderGP with her husband. Both once worked for the NHS. “But we are years away from the NHS pulling themselves together on this.”

The NHS’s proposed new treatment guidelines were altered after they were reviewed earlier this year by a Conservative government wary of medical interventions for transgender adolescents, Reuters found. Gender clinicians say the proposals now depart from international treatment protocols, which support gender-affirming care. Pioneered more than 20 years ago in the Netherlands, such care can include everything from supporting a social transition – using a person’s preferred pronouns and name – to counseling and medical interventions, including drugs that pause puberty.

The Tavistock, based in London, continues to see existing patients. But first appointments for people who have been on its waiting list since 2019 have slowed to a trickle as staffing and morale drop ahead of the closure, according to NHS data and four people involved in the reorganization. More than 1,500 young people recently referred with gender dysphoria are being kept on a separate list for the future regional centers, with no clarity on when or how they will be treated, three NHS sources told Reuters.

Once assigned to a waiting list, young people have been effectively locked out of state-provided mental health counseling and other specialist support related to their gender dysphoria, because those services were offered only through the gender care system they are waiting to join. Delaying medical treatment also means young people mature in bodies that don’t align with their gender identity – changing that in later life is more difficult.

The NHS said in a statement to Reuters it is expanding healthcare services for young people with gender dysphoria in line with recommendations from the review, and working on better supporting those on the waiting list. It has previously said it “strongly discouraged” families from turning to private or unregulated providers.

“These have been an exceptionally challenging couple of years for our patients and their families, with a lot of toxicity in discussions around their care and chronic uncertainty about its future,” Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the youth gender clinic at the Tavistock, said in a statement to Reuters.

The Department of Health and the Prime Minister’s office declined to comment for this story.

Both sides in the polarized debate are turning to the courts: patients who say they’ve waited too long, and others who say the NHS moved too fast. At the end of November, transgender rights advocates challenged NHS England in the High Court over long wait times for both youths and adults seeking treatment. In 2020, a young woman who had detransitioned from being a transgender man challenged the Tavistock’s use of puberty blockers in the same court.

Long wait lists are common within the NHS, but its statistics show the three-year wait for transgender youth is extreme. Most young people with a “non-urgent” eating disorder get specialist help within three months of being referred, the figures show. On average, young people seeking mental health support wait just over a month for a first appointment, according to a government analysis of NHS England data.

One mother shared with Reuters a letter she received from the NHS in February after she followed up on her daughter’s October 2021 referral to determine when she might receive attention. The letter said a decision would be made at some point from early 2022 on whether the child “is likely to meet the access criteria” for gender care. She has heard nothing since and suspects her child isn’t even being considered for NHS help.

“We are on a waiting list for a waiting list,” said the mother, Rose, who asked to be identified by her first name only to protect her daughter’s privacy. “She basically feels suicidal every single day.” The NHS declined to comment on the case.

We don’t know who is trapping these souls in the wrong body.

There is no reason to investigate it even, because whoever is doing it is a supernatural entity, and we have no experts in that field, because until recently, society believed there was no such thing as the supernatural.

The parent of a kid suffering from transgenderism protests in London

Anyway, there is no need to investigate what entity is doing this soul switching, because we have this very easy solution: hormone injections and genital mutilation.

Related: Former Navy Seal Who Went Tranny Says It Destroyed His Life, Denounces Transgenderism