UK to Destroy or Relocate “Older White Men” Statues Because They Offend New Demographics

There’s nothing more worthless than a white man in his 50s or 60s, am I right?

Like, that is a group of people that just hasn’t ever done anything of value ever in history.

The really messed up thing is how they’ve stolen all the glory from women and POCs who really made the important accomplishments.


UK monuments erected to celebrate “older white men” can be taken down or relocated in order not to offend the public, according to new Welsh government guidance cited by the Telegraph on Saturday. The newspaper said the document is expected to be finalized this month.

The guidance claims monuments “can be offensive to people today who see them in a different light,” including as “aggressors who conquered peoples to expand the British Empire.”

The document reportedly argues that existing memorials project the “perception that the achievements that society considers noteworthy are those of powerful, older, able-bodied white men.”

According to the Telegraph, the statues of general Arthur Wellesley and admiral Horatio Nelson, hailed for their victories against Napoleon, could fall under this rubric. Both commanders have been accused by activists in the past of enabling colonialism and slavery.

The guidance advises authorities and other public institutions to “take action” to set “the right historical narrative,” according to the newspaper.

The options laid out include the destruction and relocation of “offensive and unwanted items.” Officials are also recommended to “discretely box monuments or enclose them creatively in new artworks,” as well as removing the names of streets and buildings that the public finds inappropriate.


Let’s just erase white people from history completely.

It shouldn’t be hard, because they never did anything of value.

Meanwhile, in Mongolia