UK Will Vaccinate Kids Aged 12 to 15 Against Experts’ Advice, Top Medical Officers Decide

Not even the experts support the agenda anymore…!

The Guardian:

Children aged 12 to 15 can be offered Covid vaccinations, the UK’s four chief medical officers have decided, saying the likely impact in reducing disruption to schools meant such a plan could be clinically justified.

All children in the age group will be offered a first Pfizer jab as soon as possible, with the programme led by in-school vaccination services. A second injection will be potentially given once more evidence is gathered, so not before the spring term at the earliest.

The announcement, made in a letter to Sajid Javid, the health secretary, will be a significant relief to ministers, who had watched with visible impatience as a series of other countries started to vaccinate older children.

The programme in the UK has so far been limited to children with health problems, with the government’s vaccines watchdog ruling earlier this month that while the health gains from vaccinating the entire age group were greater than the risks, “the margin of benefit is considered too small” to support it.

Hold on.

  1. Kids are not going to school because of this stupid virus hoax.
  2. Experts say it’s not worth it to vaccinate kids, because they’re not at risk from the alleged virus.
  3. The government then says they’ll vaccinate kids anyway so that they can return to school.

It is insane and it makes no sense. The kids should just go back to school without the vaccine.

Or kids should be released into the forest.

Or put in some kind of death match.

No, not that pussy Hunger Games crap – the Jap version – Battle Royale.

If the teachers are too scared, then let the teachers stay home.

The kids need to be social.

The teachers weren’t doing anything useful anyway.

Related: Coronavirus Vaccine 4 to 6 Times More Dangerous Than Covid for Boys, Researchers Find

Even if you believe in this stupid hoax, giving myocarditis to kids just to keep teachers safe is a very bad deal.