Ukraine: All These Tweets Seem Fake

There are all these tweets on American Twitter accounts about the Ukraine, getting boosted, and they all seem fake.

Does this look real?

Why is the Russian soldier’s face blurred?

This looks like an art project.

Ukrainian military is pushing back Russian tanks?

Yeah, okay.

Well, I do want to believe in this one.

But I don’t.

Secret Russians arrested by clever Ukrainians?

Okay, sure, bud.

This is an old photo.

All reports are Russia holds Snake Island already. But the media is telling some hero story about how they gave their lives fighting. Fake story.

Americans and Israelis are posting months old photos of Zelensky, claiming he is personally fighting in the trenches – no joke.

An old man’s car was run over by a tank for no reason?

That car wasn’t run over by a tank, I can tell you that.

Lots of these “hero sacrifice” stories.

Ukrainians lining up to die for no reason in a war that’s already lost?

Nope. Don’t believe.

I do believe they’re standing in line to get free guns that they’re going to go sell on the black market.

There is all of this stuff making it look like:

  • Ukraine is really fighting hard and winning the war, and
  • Russia is bombing and otherwise killing innocent people on purpose because they are evil

Neither of those things are true on their face, but there are endless astroturfed tweets, clearly from America, pushing both things.

This looks real though.

Also, I believe Kiev (Key-ev) is empty.

Can also believe Westernized Jewkraine trash is making kids wear masks in bomb shelters.

The real threat isn’t the bombs – it’s coronavirus.

And this might be real.