Ukraine Democracy Jews Firing Rockets at Nuclear Plant, Attempting to Cause Nuclear Explosion

Previously: The Ukraine to Attack Russian-Controlled Nuclear Power Plant to Stop Russians from Attacking It Themselves

Show me what democracy looks like!

This is what democracy looks like!


The Ukrainian military has fired multiple rockets directly at coolant systems and nuclear waste storage site inside the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Energodar, local government administration member Vladimir Rogov told Russian media on Tuesday. He warned that a successful strike may result in a radiation release equivalent to a “dirty bomb.”

One of the guided missiles hit just ten meters” from the barrels with spent nuclear fuel,” Rogov told Soloviev Live. “Others hit a bit farther away, 50 to 200 meters.”

Since the storage site is out in the open, any hit will result in the release of nuclear waste ranging from dozens to hundreds of kilograms and contamination of the area, the official explained. “In plain language, that would be like a dirty bomb,” said Rogov.

While the reactor itself can only be destroyed with a tactical nuclear weapon, the coolant systems and waste storage are far more vulnerable and damage to them could easily cause a disaster, the official said. Ukrainian troops have already fired “several dozen” heavy projectiles at the cooling systems, Rogov added. If they succeed in disabling such a system, it could produce a meltdown bigger than the 1986 catastrophe at Chernobyl.

Russian troops established control of the Zaporozhye NPP, Europe’s largest facility of the kind, early on in the course of military operations in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine have been accusing each other of shelling the facility, warning that combat in the area could trigger a nuclear disaster. Russia accused Ukraine of launching artillery and drone strikes on the facility, denouncing the operations as “nuclear terrorism.” Ukrainian troops claimed that the Russians were shelling themselves to discredit Kiev.

The Western media was just following the Zelensky party line, saying that Russia was bombing itself again. This is the ongoing meme: whenever the UAF does anything totally insane, the media just says Russia did it. Remember they said that Russia bombed its own POW camp filled with Ukrainian neo-Nazis going to trial for war crimes?

(It might have just been women on Twitter and The Guardian claiming Russia was bombing itself over the weekend. I didn’t see the NYT/WaPo/CNN machine saying it. We reported on The Guardian saying it.)

However, with this latest round of attacks by the Ukraine on a nuclear power plant in Russian held territory on Tuesday, the media is just talking about “attacks” on the nuclear plant without saying who is doing it.

A few hours ago, women on Twitter were still claiming that Russia is bombing its own power plant (that it has controlled since March) without explaining how that makes any sense in any way at all.

But look at this ABC News report:

They don’t have the nerve to blame Russia because it is just too darn silly, so they just act like this is some force of nature. They do not say that the Ukraine is doing it, because everyone knows that the US could just tell the Ukraine to stop bombing the nuclear plant and they would have to do that, because the entire Ukraine people military is funded by the US, and these are US missiles being shot at the plant.

If it actually does blow up and create nuclear fallout, the Western media will I guess just say Russia did it, which is why you have these bizarre reports making it sound like the missiles are a natural disaster.

Seriously, can you think of any potential act more desperate than bombing a nearby nuclear site?

I think nuclear fallout is exaggerated. We don’t have problems in Hiroshima. We don’t have problems in Fukushima. It’s not that big of a deal. But it is a pretty big deal.

Moreover: you look like a complete lunatic, bombing a nuclear power plant. I get that Americans are so fat and retarded that the media can just ban people from Twitter for saying that Ukraine Democracy is bombing nuclear sites – but what about Germany? Do Germans support bombing nuclear sites? Is it worth it to Germans to freeze to death so that Ukraine Democracy Jews can create a nuclear crisis in Europe?

Here’s the thing: Russia already has more land than they were demanding. So, we’re already in a position where if the Ukraine would have immediately surrendered, they would be better off. No one actually ever believed that the Ukraine was going to win, unless they were just the dumbest morons on earth sucking the teat of Jew media.

So what exactly are “we” fighting for at this point? “Democracy” is not a thing that people fight wars for, and anyway, the Ukraine is not a “democracy” by anyone’s definition. They don’t have open elections or media. All opposition political parties and opposition media is banned, and people are raided and arrested and have their assets seized if they disagree with Zelensky.

A logical thing to fight a war for is land. But the fighting of this current war is causing the Ukraine to lose land. They would have more land if they had surrendered – better yet, they would have more land if they had just not provoked the war in the first place. At this point, every day they keep attacking Russia they are losing more land. So what is going on? Why are people supporting this? They told everyone the Ukraine could win a war with Russia, and it is impossible to believe that now. Even for the stupidest retard, it is impossible to believe that.

So why is the war continuing?

Frankly, it doesn’t even make sense in terms of trying to drain Russia’s morale. The sanctions against Russia boosted their economy, and the whole country has rallied around Putin because the entire Russian race is under attack. So, even from a ZOG perspective, continuing this war is a deranged, bizarre, confusing action.
