UK’s Female Foreign Secretary Says She’s Ready to Launch Nukes

This is the first thing I’ve ever agreed with a woman about.

Nuclear war is a great idea.


Liz Truss feels “ready” to launch Trident nuclear weapons, the frontrunner for Conservative leadership declared at Tuesday’s hustings in Birmingham, confirming that making such a decision was an “important duty of the prime minister.”

The foreign secretary did not elaborate on which country the UK might be persuaded to use nuclear weapons against. She has delivered plenty of hawkish rhetoric along the campaign trail, primarily targeting Russia, and is an avid booster of the Ukrainian cause.

Truss also pledged to raise military spending by 3% of GDP by the end of the decade.

I actually support the Paki in this race, because this stupid old bitch is just too ugly.

You ain’t no Sanna Marin, bruv.

Even though she doesn’t look like Sanna Marin, she’d still just be having cocaine fueled sex orgies in Downing Street while pressing nuclear launch buttons.

Honestly, if I’m just being frank with you, I hate women more than I hate Jews – by a lot.