Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2014

Hell continues to open up, as the American ZOG operators flee the scene to leave the mass slaughter to their proxy shills.
The Obama administration said Sunday the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad will remain open amid the growing sectarian violence in Iraq but will increase security and that some embassy staff will be temporarily evacuated.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the staff will be moved to U.S. Consulate Generals posts in Basra and Erbil and to the Iraq Support Unit in Amman, Jordan.
The embassy is within the Baghdad’s Green Zone. It has about 5,000 personnel, making it the largest U.S. diplomatic post in the world.
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — swept across northern Iraq last week and captured the major cities of Mosul and Tikrit.
Iraqi government officials said on Sunday that ISIS fighters were trying to capture Tal Afar in northern Iraq and raining down rockets seized last week from military arms depots.
The government, meanwhile, bolstered its defenses around Baghdad a day after hundreds of Shiite men paraded through the streets with arms in response to a call by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani for Iraqis to defend their country.
A U.S. military official told The Associated Press about 100 Marines and Army soldiers have been sent to Baghdad to help with embassy security.
U.S. travelers in the country also were encouraged to exercise caution and limit travel to certain parts of Iraq.
“Due to the relocation of personnel from Baghdad, the embassy will only be restricted in its ability to offer all consular services; but emergency services are always available to U.S. citizens in need at any embassy or consulate anywhere in the world,” Psaki said.
Despite the added security by the Iraqi government in Baghdad, a string of explosions killed at least 15 people and wounded more than 30 in the city Sunday, police and hospital officials said.
And the mass executions of the ZOG traitors continue.
CNN cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the images purportedly posted by ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. CNN is examining the terrain in the images, some of the signage on buildings in several of the pictures and the uniforms of the apparent victims. Those details suggest the photos are real and were taken in Iraq.
A caption on some of the images reads: “apostates heading to their hole of doom.”
I will, briefly, note that I have been criticized in recent days for my support of the ISIS agenda to take down the Iraqi ZOG and establish a pan-Arabian Caliphate by conquering Jerusalem.
I can only say that yes, occasionally I do use overly much poetic license. It makes the site interesting to read, and I fail to see how it does any harm. Adults understand that when I am posting pictures from Batman movies, it is at least slightly tongue-in-cheek.
That said, I have no allegiance any group of Arab Muslims, but will voice support for any group which stands a chance to take down the Jews. And right now, the sheer brutality of ISIS indicates that they are the only group with the force of will necessary to do this job.
Maybe this is all an elaborate hoax by some group of kikes hiding somewhere. I can’t say that I know that it isn’t. But I seriously doubt that it is.
And maybe I give ISIS too much credit, and they won’t be able to even take Baghdad, let alone more territory across the Middle East.
I am certain of nothing. But what I see is a tactically brilliant band of absolutely monstrous men grabbing up huge territory rapidly, mass executing their enemies and vowing to take Jerusalem.
So, forgive me if I am a bit excited, and don’t take my speculation as anything other than speculation.