We’re hearing a lot about how we should have a war with China because they did the coronavirus. But remember: there are a lot of countries that Mike Pompeo wants to have a war with.
Just find a list of countries not completely controlled by Jews, and you can be sure that Fat Mike wants a war with them.
Iran will not hesitate to retaliate against the US Navy if it attacks any Iranian vessel, Tehran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has warned, responding to a similar threat by Trump.
“I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American naval force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Major-General Hossein Salami said on Thursday, as cited by Tasnim News Agency.
Salami was responding to US President Donald Trump, who said that he had issued an order on Wednesday to “destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”
Last week, the US Navy accused Iranian warships of maneuvering in a “dangerous and provocative” manner near its own vessels in the Persian Gulf. Tehran rejected these claims, saying its patrol boats had to intercept and monitor the American ships because they were violating maritime protocols while navigating in the area.
Yes, the new claim for why we should go to war with Iran is “those towelheads are driving their boats weird and we don’t like it. We don’t like it at all. It is Unamerican.”

Remember that when the US tried to stage a false flag against Iran last time, they did the dumbest thing you’ve ever seen. To wit, while the Japanese Prime Minister was meeting with the Ayatollah, they shot a missile at a Japanese ship.
Then Pompeo got up and played this weird video that he said was the Iranians returning to pick up a bomb that didn’t explode. It was the craziest, dumbest thing I’d seen.
Here’s the weird video of them, uh, retrieving their bomb.
It was just the dumbest thing imaginable. I was actually shocked.
The Japanese were also shocked, and publicly said it was bullshit. They didn’t outright blame the US for doing it, but the implication was pretty clear.
Mike Pompeo has fat cells in his brain which prevent him from thinking clearly. The coronavirus mania is the gift he needed. Now he can do utterly stupid things, and no one will be paying any attention.
Furthermore, the way this is going as far as the burning of the Constitution, he can just do all of this stuff in secret. He can say that because of the virus, Americans can’t hear about what is going on with the military efforts against Iran. Or whoever.
Wars are certainly coming. You can be certain of that. Whether or not they will do the big one with China is anyone’s guess, but they will certainly kick off something with Iran and maybe Venezuela.
The Jews have been given a blank check. They’re going to cash it.