When it was first reported that the US was sending an Indian immigrant to threaten the Indian government with regards to their refusal to stand with anal Judeo-Neo-Nazi Ukrainian post-tapers, I wrote about how stupid this was. It was obvious by the choice to send an Indian that the big-brain Jake Sullivan believed that he was making a very smart move – after all, an Indian knows how to talk to an Indian, right?
I pointed out that the Indians in India would view an Indian representing America coming to threaten them as a traitor, rather than be warmed by ethnic kinship.
Well, it turns out it’s even worse than that – Deputy National Security Advisor Daleep Singh is a Sikh.
His parents were refugees from India, who presumably fled during the reign of Indira Gandhi. Gandhi was anti-Sikh, and had many of them slaughtered, before she was eventually assassinated by her own Sikh bodyguards.
The current government of India is run by the BJP, which is a Hindu nationalist party.
That makes the decision to send Singh to threaten them even more absurd and moronic.
A top US national security official has called on India to scale back its economic and military ties with Russia, warning of “consequences” for any nation that helps Moscow avoid the recent wave of Western sanctions.
Speaking to reporters after meeting with Indian officials on Thursday, Washington’s deputy national security adviser for international economics, Daleep Singh, urged New Delhi not to boost Russian energy imports, and to avoid any moves that might “undermine” the US dollar.
“What we would not like to see is a rapid acceleration of India’s imports from Russia as it relates to energy or any other any other exports that are currently being prohibited by the US,” he said, adding that the United States is “very keen for all countries, especially our allies and partners, not to create mechanisms that prop up the ruble and that attempt to undermine the dollar-based financial system.”
I am not sure, but I think this is the first time that a high level US official has admitted out loud that the current unfolding geopolitical system could implode the US dollar.
I wouldn’t really think it is strategic to admit that you’re really concerned about that. But I don’t think these people are very good at strategy. This Singh person is cited as the “architect” of the anti-Russian sanctions. Putting a random foreigner in charge of something that important certainly seems insane to me, but who knows.
Regardless – as the architect of the sanctions, Singh would know best how badly these sanctions are going to harm the role of the dollar in world trade, and ultimately lead to its implosion. But maybe he didn’t think of that until just now.
While condemning Russia’s “needless war” on Ukraine, Singh said his visit to India was “in a spirit of friendship to explain the mechanisms of our sanctions,” but nonetheless warned that there would be “consequences [for] countries that actively attempt to circumvent or backfill” those penalties.
Asked what those consequences could entail, the adviser declined to elaborate, saying that was part of “private discussions that I’m not going to share publicly.”
I come in the name of friendship – to threaten you with unspecific punishment for not doing as I demand.
Singh’s remarks followed reports that Moscow and New Delhi are currently working out a rupee-ruble payment system, which would allow the two nations to conduct bilateral trade in each others’ currencies. India also recently agreed to buy a quantity of Russian crude oil at a discount, an unpopular decision with the US and some allies, who have embarked on a punitive sanctions campaign designed to isolate Russia’s economy and wreck the ruble.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also visited the Indian capital on Thursday, coinciding with official meetings with Singh as well as UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss.
Though American, Australian and British officials have criticized India’s refusal to go along with the sanctions spree, US State Department spokesman Ned Price insisted that Washington is not “seeking to change” any nation’s “relationship with the Russian Federation,” citing India in particular.
“What we are seeking to do, whether it is in the context of India or other partners and allies around the world, is to do all we can” to ensure that “the international community is speaking in unison,” Price added in comments on Lavrov’s trip.
You’re not seeking to change the relationship – but you’re threatening them and demanding they change the relationship or you will punish them somehow.
This isn’t serious.
As far as “the international community speaking in unison” – these two tweets from Zhao are all that needs to be said about that:
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that when the West talks about the "int'l community", they mean: pic.twitter.com/RZNOwDymX2
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 17, 2022
The overwhelming majority of countries announced no sanctions on Russia. #NoSanctions pic.twitter.com/HSBv6N9nwR
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 29, 2022
I mean, what even is this?
It really is like an acid trip.
These people are speaking out of both sides of their mouth and spewing nonsense, while just going around threatening everyone. According to these new rules they just invented*, the 75% of the world that isn’t sanctioning Russia is violating their own sanctions against Russia. How 25% of countries – all of which you have direct control over – agreeing with you amounts to the “international community speaking in unison” we shall not ever grasp.
But it is just all such weaselism. I mean, you can lie, but you have to have the lies make sense and stick to them. When you are just publicly saying two different things at the same time, you just look unhinged.
Anyway, I’ve been watching a lot of Indian TV lately, and the sentiment towards America is extremely, extremely negative. The entire country basically agrees that America created the situation in the Ukraine. They will say what everyone else says: “I don’t agree with an invasion but what were they supposed to do?” Unlike everyone else, Indians will start dumping out an entire list of grievances they have with the United States.
Arnab is on right now (at time of writing) with an Indian and a Russian arguing together against an American and a Brit. Arnab is about to start screaming at the Westerners about Churchill burning his fields during World War II.
Russia and China both try to be diplomatic and friendly with countries, while the US definitely believes it can just threaten everyone.
The whole jig is up.
*They didn’t technically just invent all of them. A lot of this was done to Iran before it was done to Russia. Though they have done more to Russia than they ever did to Iran.