Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 14, 2020
Since time immemorial, everyone has known that the only appropriate way to deal with gays is gay bashing.
Unfortunately, the Mexican invasion has brought with us a flood of hardcore lesbianism among elementary school children.
A Florida teacher is under fire for asking two female fifth grade students if they were in a relationship in front of class, leading one of the students to withdraw from school.
Jezinia Gambino, the mother of one of the students, told NBC affiliate WPTV that “the rumor was that my daughter and another fifth grade little girl were dating.” After the teacher learned of the rumor, she summoned the children before the class and asked them if they were a couple “in a way that they felt they were in trouble,” Gambino said.
After the incident, Gambino said her daughter was texted by the other student, who said she “wasn’t sure if they should hang out together anymore because of what happened in school.”
“She didn’t want anyone to think they were gay,” Gambino said of the other student.
Gambino said her daughter felt humiliated and will be homeschooled for at least the rest of the year. “What they did affected my daughter in a way that now I’m having to go back and fix,” she added.
The teacher was reported to the Florida Department of Education for engaging in inappropriate communication with students and was given a verbal warning, according to WPTV.
I support this based teacher for taking these dykes to task.
Someone has to do it. As my own fifth grade teacher used to say, “these gays aren’t going to bash themselves.”
Actually, they are going to bash themselves.
But that isn’t really the point.
If you’re wondering why this Mexican lesbian’s mother is a goth, well, that’s a question I don’t have an answer to.
However, I will assert that the girl became a lesbian because her mother is an edgy goth mom.
Ladies: never go full goth mom.